![]() Dear Ones, You are moving from belief to true inner Knowing. In the realms of mystical consciousness, experiences of true Oneness and deep connections can occur, sometimes with surprising regularity. Especially if you are in an accelerated time of connection through your spiritual practice. As you continue to journey through your life, you may feel you have lost the connection that was so clear. You may judge yourself for backsliding and for not doing what you you believe you need to do, be or feel. It is these harsh judgments that can create limitation on your path. In fact after an accelerated focus on your spiritual practice and the empowering experiences that accompany this time, you may even feel blocked, spaced out, unable to reach lighter frequencies. This is all normal flow of awakening consciousness. Your evolution in spirit depends upon those so called down times. That is when the integration process begins. You need to allow yourself the space to let it happen. It is after the deep activations of pure Light that an excavation of shadows may appear. It is normal for the Light to stir the deep recesses in the corners of your awareness. As feelings rise to seek the Light of day, the tricky part occurs. If you allow the critical nature of the mind to step into the fray of emotions and authentic feelings, you will block the flow that is a natural part of the evolution occurring within you. Although you were trained to explore them, these feelings are just surfacing to be released into the Light. You are being asked to not grab hold. You are releasing not only for yourself, but out of the collective consciousness so all may be free. The stimulation that occurs in your being through intense periods of spiritual practice is not sustainable. You require rest and integration time to stay in balance. Unity Consciousness is the journey not the sought after completion. Each of these stages of spiritual initiation is a part of the journey of your Soul. There is NO culmination of your spiritual journey while you are in your human form. Your spirit is like a rose that continuously unfolds to receive the Light of the Sun. Let yourself receive the Light of pure Love.. There is a spiral flow in your life’s path that requires your ability to allow life to be as it is. Any attachment to results only slows down the process. Peace and Balance come when you can let it BE. Take the spacious time to rest in the Temple of your Heart, allowing yourself to be ministered to by the Angels of Light. You are preparing yourself, becoming fortified for yet another swim in the murky, often treacherous waters of consciousness when you have built your strength. Once you dive in, you find that you are swimming again in the waters of Pure Love where you live, move and have your being. It is beautiful, just receive. Exhilaration is not a sustainable field yet it can inspire you to the inner knowing that you are exactly where you need to be, doing just what you are meant to do. You have moved from inner belief to the True Knowing that you are in harmony and perfect alignment with your Soul on this path of pure Love. All is Well. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel April 24, 2018 shantagabriel.com Above Image: genidoxian.deviantart.com/art/Path-of-the-Spiral-148658348 |
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