![]() Barbara Berger Our home, the Infinite Universe, is a myriad dance of endless affluence and abundance, a massive flow of energy which is continually circulating and changing form. And we ourselves are dancers of light—localized force fields—in this massive, moving field of energy which is our home. The abundant nature of this massive field is also our own true nature, thus anything we do (out of fear or ignorance) to restrict, hinder or stop this overwhelming flow of energy will lead to limitation, imbalance, stagnation, difficulty, lack and/or physical and mental illness in our lives. This is why it's so important to learn the art of giving and receiving. Since the circulation of energy is the basic Nature of the Universe, circulation is also our own basic nature. Giving ... When you give, you circulate energy. Thus, when you give, you are in harmony with the Nature of the Universe. There are many ways to give or circulate energy. We can give our love, we can give our services and our aid, we can give praise, we can give joy and laughter—and understanding and encouragement. We can give our blessings. We can also give material gifts or positive words, thoughts and emotions to other people—and we can also give our time or money. Some good things to remember: Whatever you seek, give first! Give what you seek! Wish for others what you wish for yourself! ... and Receiving This vast movement of energy is not, however, a one-way street. It's more like an infinite circulatory system! So we must also be ready to receive and receive graciously the abundance of the Universe, in whatever form it chooses to come to us. This means: Don't be a surly receiver! If you've ever met a surly receiver I'm sure you know what I mean. It's such a comedown to give something to someone who is resisting your generosity! Being a surly receiver not only blocks the flow of energy in your direction, it's a negative affirmation. Being sullen and grouchy when the Universe sprinkles Good on your doorstep is like saying you're not worthy of receiving—or that you don't feel you have the right to receive. And you're also saying in the most fundamental way that you don't understand the Nature of the Universe. If you keep affirming your lack of understanding by being a surly receiver, this is what you're going to get! Pretty soon, presents are going to stop coming your way! So next time something Good turns up on your doorstep—no matter how strange or unexpected—embrace it with open arms! Be it gifts of money, praise, aid, services—be it compliments, support, encouragement, new opportunities or unexpected blessings. No matter what form the energy coming in your direction takes, whenever someone wants to give you something, receive it gratefully! Or as Emmet Fox says in his book Alter Your Life, "... what we are to the universe, that will the universe be to us; that what we give out, whether it be generosity or parsimony, that we shall receive back; that like attracts like; that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap; and that no man escapes the Law." The Joyful Giver Once we understand this law, i.e., the Nature of the Universe, once we see ourselves as a part of this universal dance, as part of this massive exchange of energy, we can't help but become joyful givers and receivers! And being a joyful giver is just as important as being a joyful receiver... Because the Universe loves a joyful giver! Have you ever received a gift that was given grudgingly? If you have, you know it would have been better if the person who gave you the gift hadn't given you anything at all. Because giving without joy nullifies the act of giving all together. Probably because another intrinsic aspect of the Nature of the Universe is pure joy. Recognize and Praise the Source! When you realize that the Universe is the sole source of everything and the sole source of all Good, you can sing Hallelujah! And when you deeply know and understand that the Infinite Universe has created everything, including you, and that you are a part of this vast and wonderful scheme of things which is absolutely and infinitely abundant—any fear you may have in relation to giving should vanish instantly! Because: Being a joyful giver means that you know the Nature of Reality! Being a joyful giver means you trust the Universe! Being a joyful giver means you know who you are! Being a joyful giver means you know you are always at home and that your home is the Infinite Universe. Being a joyful giver means you know there's an infinity of more. Being a joyful giver means you know you are a part of this massive flow of energy, so how can you lack? You Can Always Give No matter what your present situation, you can always activate the law of circulation of energy in your life and environment by giving. Because no matter what, there's always something you can give—and give joyfully. No matter how "poor" you may perceive yourself to be, you can always find something to give. For example, you can give someone a compliment or help friends by donating a couple of hours of your time to help them. You can offer your encouragement or support for a project; you can give wild flowers you picked in a field, or you can give a friend one of your most treasured possessions... There are countless ways to set the energy of the universe in motion in your life, no matter what your situation. So if you want to prosper, get started right away! Set things in motion by starting the activity of circulation in your life! Give and give boldly! Giving Dissolves Stagnation Also if you are experiencing any type of difficulty or unhappiness, or if you have a physical or mental problem, this means that something, somewhere, is stuck in your life. Once again, a great way to dissolve stagnation is by being bold and giving joyfully! Giving—and giving boldly and joyfully—opens the channels wide and dissolves stagnation. Giving is simply one of the best and most effective ways to set the energy of the Universe in motion again. So let the dancers dance! And remember—always give to others what you wish to receive yourself. (And wish for others, even your so-called "enemies", that which you wish for yourself.) Yes, this is the unchangeable law of the Universe. Giving is like sowing: To reap your Good, you must first sow. Barbara Berger is the best-selling author of “The Road to Power – Fast Food for the Soul” (published in 30 languages) and “The Awakening Human Being – A Guide to the Power of Mind” and “Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life” (published in 21 languages). The books can be ordered on Amazon.com. Barbara also offers private coaching sessions (via Skype or telephone) to people around the world. For more about Barbara Berger and her activities see www.beamteam.com |
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