Barbara Berger Every human being is a focal point in the ONE Mind. Each individual is using the Infinite Mind in his or her own unique way. And since each human being has his or her own basic beliefs or sponsoring thoughts about the nature of “Life”, each being is living in his or her own unique world. Because thought is creative, each person’s Life and Life experiences are self-fulfilling prophecies. In other words, each individual being’s world looks exactly like he or she thinks the world should look. Strange as this might sound, it is nevertheless true. No two worlds are the same. Listen to anyone talk and you will discover this is true—beyond a shadow of a doubt. Quantum physics confirms the fact that we all are a part of one massive field of energy and that all beings and all so-called inanimate objects, are made up of the same energy. In other words, everything—you, me, our houses, our computers, our cars, the food we eat—can be broken down into the same basic units or components called atoms. These atoms can be further broken down into sub-atomic particles, which can be broken down into waves of energy. At this level of perception, all of creation is one vast field of energy. One vast unified whole. What we experience as Life is what "pops" out of this field because of the focus of our attention. The field itself contains all of experience since It is all there is. Thus it is the nature of our attention, which determines the nature of our experience. This is why you have nothing to deal with but your own thoughts. Everything you experience is a result of your thoughts and beliefs and the focus of your attention. Focus Focus is the magic wand in this experience we call “Life”. All we have is our focus. Focus is Who We Are. We are focal points in the ONE Mind, the Mind of God, the field of consciousness. Our focus is our freedom. It is what makes each being an independent soul. We have been given the gift of Free Will to use this focus in any way we choose. Self-mastery means learning to control this focus for the Highest Good—nothing more and nothing less. This also means that everything—all limitation thinking and all forms of limitation—that are manifesting on Planet Earth is an illusion, i.e., a creation of the mind. The only thing sustaining this creation / experience is the focus of the beings on Earth. This is because limitation, i.e. limited manifestation, has no life of its own. Thus when a critical mass of beings change their focus and focus on the Absolute, on the Good, and on Peace, Love, and Harmony—these conditions will automatically manifest. This is because Peace, Love and Harmony were there to begin with. They are here now all the time. So they reappear as the illusion of limitation disappears. (They do not have to be created.) Thus we see that since limitation has no independent existence of its own, there is no power to sustain it. The Good, however, has all the force of the ONE Almighty Absolute behind it. Since the ONE, the Good, is All there is, Good is All-Powerful. Unplugging from the Consensus Reality It is of urgent importance to unplug from the consensus reality. The consensus reality is the collective consciousness (or you could say the collective “unconsciousness”) of humanity—the sum total of the thoughts of all human beings. When we unplug from this consensus reality, all things are possible. This is because the present consensus model of reality translates into limitation, evil, lack, sickness and death—or the dualistic view of Life. To focus on the Absolute automatically requires unplugging from the consensus reality. We have no other more important task than to liberate ourselves because in liberating ourselves we help liberate all others. The Projector in the Field of Pure Potentiality All beings are creating their reality in the same way as a slide projector projects pictures up on a screen. The projector sends out a beam of light towards a blank screen. As long as there are no slides, all you see is the light on the screen. When you select a slide and place it in the beam of light—between the source of the light and the screen on the wall—you get a picture. What do you see up on the screen? You see a picture of yourself on the beach when you were five years old with your mother. Then you remove the slide and put in another one—and what do you see? You see yourself getting married when you were 23. Put in another slide and you see yourself old and gray. You are creating your own reality in the same way—just like a slide projector. And you are doing this on a minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour basis. Just like the slide projector. The basic building block of this infinite universe is energy or light. And this light or energy—whatever you want to call it—is constantly flowing through the mind of each being. Each being, each mind is the pattern-maker of this light energy. So as this light energy flows through the mind, each being—as the pattern-maker or co-creator—forms this infinite energy into the conditions and circumstances of his or her life and environment. How does this happen? We do this with our words and thoughts and emotions. Words and thoughts and emotions are the slides—the patterns—the blueprints—that are put into the light, which is flowing through each mind to create the world—the conditions and circumstances of each person’s life and environment. This includes everything in each individual world including the physical body and health. Words and thoughts and emotions are the blueprint—the pattern, which designates and forms each being’s life and circumstances. That is why each one of us is the pattern-maker of his or her own life. This is why the experiences and life circumstances of each being are in fact nothing more than their opinion, view, pattern, belief or idea of what this light energy is. It is this individual pattern which is placed in the light that forms the light—limits the light—shapes the light—into the creation, which becomes the life of the individual. Understanding this mechanism is the key to freedom. With this understanding, it is possible to change one’s life conditions and circumstances. This is what it means to be the pattern-maker and co-creator with the Infinite Energy that is flowing through each individual’s mind. Barbara Berger is the best-selling author of “The Road to Power – Fast Food for the Soul” (published in 30 languages) and “The Awakening Human Being – A Guide to the Power of Mind” and “Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life” (published in 21 languages). The books can be ordered on Barbara also offers private coaching sessions (via Skype or telephone) to people around the world. For more about Barbara Berger and her activities see |
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