Kathryn Samuelson The tag line on my website and my email signature used to be “Live in Hope, Live from the Heart.” It was a way for me to say to stop living in and acting from fear. (I have changed my tag line to “Open Your Heart – Blossom in the World” to be more in line with my book, Opening the Heart: Mediations on How to Be.) So much of the uproar in the world is from fear—fear of not having enough, fear of someone taking away what you do you have, fear of not being good enough, fear that others will think you are not good enough, and fear of being controlled or harmed by someone else. In other words, fear in many guises. Fear leads to greed, hatred and a myriad of negative emotions. Craving of power over something or someone else and acting on that craving makes the person living in fear feel, at least temporarily, better.
We seem to be living in a time when fear and greed are running rampant, where things seem to be cracking and falling apart. It is a time, at least in the U.S. when an (as I perceive him to be) an overgrown bully has taken the national stage giving voice to the fears that many people live from. Yet, I have made a decision that I am not going to live in fear. I am choosing to live in hope and live from the heart, although I have to take a deep breath and remind myself of this from time to time. My choice to live in this way arose from my work to bring Opening the Heart into being. It helped me to see when I am panicking, when I am living in fear. It has helped me see that there is another way of being myself: one where I can remain calm and clearheaded about my situation. Living in this way helps me to be more compassionate to myself and about other people. Because of the work I have done with Opening the Heart as well as my angels and guides, I choose to see this tumultuous time as a time when the soil of life is being plowed deeply. This deep plowing allows those of us working from hope and love to plant the seeds of growth and change. It allows us to water those seeds by the actions that we take, the emotions that we express, and by the way that we live. This time allows us to see the other, to understand that what is being expressed is not the way anyone should live and act, and, hence allows us to take actions, hopefully through compassion, to counter the fear and greed. If growth and change are a spiral rather than a circle, we can use our energy, our words and our deeds, to nurture the spiral. Seeing life only as a circle means that we keep coming back to essentially the same ways of being, although we may have clothes, modes of transportation, and many other facets of day to day living that are different over time. Being in a way that nurtures and grows the spiral energy upward is a way to help the world shift from fear and greed to living in hope and living from the heart. A number of years ago I read a book titled Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here by Bruce Lipman and Steve Bhaerman (aka Swami Beyondananda). The thesis of the book, as I remember it, is that in the past biological evolution often took place at times of crisis as there was no need to evolve when there wasn’t a crisis. Their thesis is that the next evolution is a spiritual, transformative evolution. They point out that humans have always been good at coming up with solutions to problems and crises. Lipton and Bhaerman believe that we will evolve beyond the ways that humankind collectively acts, whether in words or deeds. An example of this is the energy crisis, i.e., the crisis that we will run out of fuel to create energy. I asked my angels and guides about this. They said not worry about this because humans are good at finding solutions and creating what is needed. I stopped being concerned about this issue. A big issue in the past was the increasing hole in the ozone layer, not that it is still not of concern. However, banning CFC’s has led to the shrinking of the hole in the ozone layer. It is healing itself because we found a way to help it, at least I think it is still shrinking as I haven’t checked up on this lately. Many scientists are working on ways to deal with climate change. I have hope about this and many other things. So yes, the current time is turbulent, but many times in the past have been seemingly equally so. We have survived them, moved through them, grown in fits and starts. I am, again, choosing to look at this as a time of deep plowing of the soil, of breaking up of the hard clods that then allows planting. I continue to look to my work with Opening the Heart and my angels and guides to lead me in the path of growth and transformation I want to be on. It can help you as well. Kathryn Samuelson, as an intuitive, channels your angels and guides who are delighted to connect with you, and who are uniquely suited to answer your questions and address your concerns. She was certified as a life coach in 2007 by the University of New Hampshire. Kathryn is the author of Opening the Heart: Meditations on How to Be, which she created with her friend, Linda Lewis. For more information: https://www.kathrynsamuelson.com, klsamuelson@yahoo.com, or 781-799-7332. Her blog is Musings, Poetry & Such (musings-poetry-such.blogspot.com). Opening the Heart is available on amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com and through her website. It is available in a paper version, or in I-Book, Kindle and Nook e-book versions. She is on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kathryn.samuelson.73. She is on LinkedIn at https://linkedin.com/in/kathryn-samuelson-8a8a683. |
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