Trish Kane This 2022 Scorpio eclipse season has been all revealing and all releasing. I was faced with my shadows, tears of joy and the greatest sorrow. Deep healing from trauma, manifestation, purging and release we’re simultaneously happening at every waking and sleeping moment. It has been a time of minimal sleep, hard work, stress, frustration, excitement, fear, gratitude, and perseverance.
Yet another rebirth and renewal. It’s amazing how the moon cycles really do coincide with our lives. One day right before the scorpio new moon, I was so triggered! Like all the intensity built up that needed to come out… Well it finally did and it was an explosion of tears. I haven’t cried that hard since my dog passed away last summer. I was at the point that I was crying, because I was crying. I will add that I had a concussion from hitting my head, so this added to the forces. I was sent a short-term karmic relationship to escalate my healing journey in the preshadow eclipse period. I was dating this man for less than a few months. There was a lot of fun and constant triggering. I found myself not even feeling like activating my throat chakra, because it’s just reality that we see the world completely differently and there’s nothing to say, but just listen. I met him while I was traveling with a friend to an island in Europe. I knew he was interested, because his friend and him asked me what I was looking for in a man and I told them strait out EXACTLY what I was looking for. This was not him at all. I knew he was not the one for me right away. Our souls know exactly what it wants and needs, and he was the opposite personality of what I’ve been calling in, waiting for and growing towards. I specifically know what I want and give it a try anyway? He was convincing, made me laugh and had a lot to offer, so I gave it a shot. I ended up traveling and staying with him in the suburbs of UK for 3 weeks total. Well, it was confirmed! I am not a suburb girl. I knew this when I ran away from the suburbs in 2014! I love the woods, beach, city and mountains, but not the suburbs! This is where I went wrong… I say this again. There is a reason our souls are craving something specific and specific is out there for a reason, because it exists. The Universe will send me the same lesson repeatedly, until I pass. Luckily, it did not go on for too long, as my soul will no longer let me be in anything not in alignment for long periods anymore! I just cannot! I’ve worked on myself too long. During my new moon meditation, it was revealed to me to go to the city. When I brought it up to him, we both agreed that we should break it up and move on. I thought he’d give me a moment to figure out where I was going to go, but he was vigorously trying to find a place online for me to stay and it had to be booked for me to leave 36 HOURS LATER. He also told me to go back to the US and told me I should be single until my career is where I’m trying to get it to be. 1. I don’t like being told what to do, especially when it’s none of someone’s business, has nothing to do with them and I didn’t ask for an opinion. 2. I am absolutely ready for the right man to come into my life. 3. The right man will love all of me. The good, bad, and ugly. I know this! We all deserve this. Anyway, I felt pressured and scared like I had to find a place right away, when my higher self wanted to leave, but also had my dog with me, 3 suitcases, dog belongings… in a totally different country, so it wouldn’t be like okay let me just go to a hotel. My dog, Mack, and I stayed in at least 5 Airbnbs this summer, plus I was in a total of 5 countries in 5 months Feelings of fear and of abandonment crept in and I felt so betrayed. I realized that it had nothing to do with him, but it triggered back childhood trauma of feelings stuck and having nowhere to go. When I am triggered by someone, the last person I want to speak to is a soul that wants to keep pushing. “I need my space, please give me my space…” They just keep pushing and triggering. Ha! More, crying… Every woman that is healing wants and needs a DIVINE MASCULINE that holds her while she cries, and thinks her tears are beautiful and carries her through these times. Divine feminine that are putting in the work want a man that holds her through the release. That is exactly what I am calling in. Anyway, I send gratitude for this individual and love with zero hard feelings. The lesson is that when someone isn’t in alignment, keep it moving. I really escalated my healing over this eclipse season through this relationship and I am so grateful that I can share pieces of this story transparently here. We were upgraded and have been integrating since last eclipse season earlier this year. Whatever we all went through, brought us closer to where we need to go. Relationships that made it through, are more likely in alignment. We are finally able to stand in our power and embrace our transformation. There’s no turning back. We’re finally here. No more playing it small. Those who have been doing the work know exactly what I’m saying. Numbers repeating, flashing lights, and signs everywhere. Angels telling me… Hold on and let it happen; We will be glad you did. It’s not the change that’s difficult, it’s the resistance to it. We know what we need. Everything we need to know is inside of ourselves. |
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