Photo by Shajen Joy Aziz When you focus on what is right about you, you allow yourself to grow positively.
"Individuals see and feel the most growth in their lives in areas that they are the most successful and have the most natural strengths. As opposed to investing time in "fixing" or improving our weaknesses, we should be doing what we do best more and more" (Bielefeld, 2017). In our society, we have made thinking you are worthy mean you are conceited or think too highly of yourself. This way of thinking is a myth we need to bust. A reminder of why our schools must teach our children what is right with them and support them to uncover and unfold who they are and what they love. This is my purpose to help you and all those around you in truly “getting” your worth and beneficial presence on this planet. The more you can tap into all that is right and wonderful about you, the more precise your pathway becomes. This focus allows you to keep your course and not get hung up on what others think. It is in the process of your awakening that you discover who you are, and self-actualization takes hold. From this point forward, you can choose your thoughts and actions and create Joy in your life and the lives of others. The more you step into your authentic self, the more possibilities you make. A little note The Law of Polarity shows us that everything has an opposite. We have all heard these old sayings: “What goes up must come down, so above so below, as within so without. What often happens when we engage in processes such as these (transformative practices that improve our lives) is that a positive intent will naturally bring up an “opposite” thought as a point of contrast. To offer an analogy, in the laws of physics, it is known that: ‘For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.’ This can also be true regarding some of the ways a human mind works. Therefore, when you begin using positive affirmations – making positive statements and setting positive intentions – do not be surprised to find that negative thoughts may also form in your mind. In other words, it is not uncommon that when you focus on something positive, that your mind may go to a “counter” or opposite thought just as a matter of course. This is natural and can even be helpful, for “contrast” is a part of how we understand things. Simply, BE AWARE of why this happens, acknowledge the PURPOSE OF CONTRAST, and always keep COMING BACK to the positive affirmation! ~ Shajen Joy Lichtenstein-Aziz, M.Ed., M.A. Award-Winning International Best-selling Author, Educator, Counselor Discover Yourself ~ It's Why I'm Here Discover The Gift - It's Why We're Here ~ Published in 28 countries and 26 languages Author and Co-creator WATCH THE MOVIE -> GAIA AMAZON: |
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