Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne PRINCIPLES OF MIRACLES 1. Miracles Are Like Magical Surprises. Imagine you have a box of colorful toys, like toy cars and teddy bears. Now, think about how cool it would be if all these toys could come to life and play with you whenever you wanted. Well, that's kind of like miracles! Miracles are like magical surprises, and they're all equally amazing because they come from something super special – love! 2. The Super Important Source. Think of miracles like super cool presents you get on your birthday. You love the presents, right? But what makes them even more awesome is knowing that someone who cares about you gave them to you. That's what matters with miracles too – it's not just the miracle itself, but the love that makes it happen, which is even more incredible! 3. Miracles Are Love in Action. Picture this: When your parents give you a big hug when you're feeling sad, that's like a miracle because it makes you feel better, right? Well, miracles are like that hug, but even more magical! They happen because of love, and anything that comes from love is like a super-duper miracle. 4. "God" and the Gift of Life. You know how you have your favorite superhero? Well, think of "God" as the ultimate superhero who gives us the gift of life. It's like having a special guide who helps us know what's right and how to make the world a better place. 5. Miracles Are Like Awesome Habits. Imagine if you could do a good deed every day without even thinking about it, like smiling at a new friend or helping someone tie their shoelaces. That's what miracles should be like – like good habits that come from your heart, not because you have to, but because you want to be kind. 6. When Things Feel Just Right. Sometimes, when you try to put together a puzzle, and all the pieces fit perfectly, it feels amazing, right? Well, that's how the world should be when miracles happen – everything should feel just right. If it doesn't, it's like something's missing, and we want the world to be full of miracles! 7. Everybody Deserves Miracles. Imagine if everyone could have a delicious piece of cake at a birthday party. That's what miracles are like – everyone should get to enjoy them because they make life better. But before we can have lots of miracles, it's like we need to clean our hearts and be extra kind to others. 8. Miracles Are Like Super Healing Hugs. Imagine you have lots of toys, and your friend doesn't have as many. When you share your toys with your friend, it's like giving them a big, magical hug. Miracles are like those hugs. They happen when someone who has a lot of love shares it with someone who needs some extra love to feel better. 9. Miracles Are Magical Trades of Love. Think of miracles as special trades, like trading your peanut butter sandwich for your friend's jelly sandwich because you both love different things. Miracles are like trading love, and when you do that, it's like a love explosion! It makes both the giver and receiver feel super happy. 10. Miracles Aren't Show-Offs. Sometimes people try to use miracles to show off and make others believe in something special. But that's not really what miracles are about. They're like secret love messages meant for people who already believe in love and kindness. 11. Prayer Is Like Talking to a Friend. Imagine you have a friend who lives far away, but you can talk to them on the phone anytime you want. That's a bit like prayer. It's like talking to a really, really good friend who loves you a lot. And when you pray, it's like sharing that love with your friend. Miracles are the way that love shows up in the world when we talk to our special friend. 12. Miracles Are Like Super Thoughts. You know how when you have a great idea, it feels like a light bulb goes off in your head? Well, miracles are like those special ideas, but even more magical! They're like thoughts that make the world a better and kinder place. 13. Miracles Are Like Time Travelers. Sometimes, it seems like time only goes in one direction, from past to present to future, like reading a book. But miracles are like time travelers. They can go back in the story and make things better. It's like a magical way of starting over and making everything awesome. 14. Miracles Are Truth Tellers. Imagine you have a friend who always tells you the truth, just like your parents do. When they say something, you know it's real. Miracles are like those truthful friends. They're super convincing because they come from people who truly believe in love. When you really believe in love, amazing things can happen! 15. Time, Miracles, and Learning Fun. Time is like a big clock that helps us do amazing things every day. Imagine if every day was like a magical adventure filled with miracles. Miracles are like special surprises that make us really happy. Time is our special helper, like a teacher, showing us how to use it wisely. It's like a big puzzle piece that helps us learn and grow. But you know what's super cool? Time won't last forever; it will stop when we've learned all the amazing things it can teach us. 16. The Magical Power of Miracles. Miracles are like super-duper special moments when something really amazing happens. You know what's awesome about them? They teach us that sharing and giving are like magic! When you share a toy or a hug with a friend, it makes you feel super strong inside, like a superhero! And guess what? It makes your friend feel strong and happy too, just like magic! So, miracles are like secret spells of kindness that make both the giver and the receiver feel super special and strong. Isn't that cool? 17. Miracles: The Magical Disappearing Act. Miracles are like when you have a magic cape, and with a whoosh, you disappear, just like a magician on stage! It's not really about your body; it's about your spirit going on a secret adventure to a place where everything is more awesome and amazing. Imagine if you could escape to a land of super-duper fun where everything feels better and happier. That's what miracles do! They make all the not-so-great stuff go away, like turning a frown into a big, giggly smile. 18. Miracles: Super-Duper Acts of Kindness. Imagine a miracle as the most incredible super-duper service one person can do for another. It's like when a superhero swoops in to save the day, but even more amazing! When someone performs a miracle, they are showing love for their neighbor just like they love themselves. It's like saying, "You are super special, and I am super special too!" Miracles remind us that everyone is incredibly valuable, and when someone does a miracle, they're showing how much they care about making the world a better and happier place. 19. Miracles and Magic Minds in "God's" Playground. Let's talk about miracles and how they make our minds feel all warm and fuzzy in "God's" super awesome playground. You see, miracles are like the magic glue that connects our minds with "God's" big, loving heart. They happen when we all work together like a fantastic team because we're all part of "God's" amazing family. Miracles don't care about boring old time; they're all about forever and ever stuff! 20. Miracles: The Magical Truth Detector. Let's chat about miracles, those super-duper magical moments that remind us of something amazing. You know, they help us see that our spirit, which is like our super-secret truth detector, is way more important than our body. It's like having a special superpower! When we realize this, it's like unlocking a treasure chest full of healing power. Miracles are like little sparks of magic that help us remember that our spirit is the key to making everything better. So, next time you feel a miracle happening, remember it's like your very own truth detector lighting up the path to happiness! 21. Miracles: Super-Forgiveness Superpowers. Let's talk about miracles, which are like your super-forgiveness superpowers! Imagine forgiving someone when they do something not-so-nice, like a superhero forgiving a villain. Miracles happen when we use this amazing power to say, "I forgive you!" not just to make things better for ourselves, but also for others. It's like passing on a big, warm hug from "God" to our friends and even to people we might not know very well. So, when you see a miracle, remember it's like spreading super-forgiveness everywhere, and that makes the world a happier and kinder place for everyone! 22. Miracles and the Not-So-Tricky Hiding Game. Let's explore the world of miracles and this funny thing called "hiding." Imagine that sometimes we get scared because we think darkness can hide things from us, like when you can't find your favorite toy in a dark room. But guess what? Miracles are like a magical flashlight that helps us see through the dark! First, we learn that darkness can't really hide anything, even if it seems a bit scary at first. That's the first step, and it might make us a little scared, like when you play hide-and-seek and can't find your friends. But then, the second step is super cool! We realize there's nothing we want to hide, not even if we could! It's like saying, "I'm not afraid anymore, because I'm awesome just the way I am!" So, when you understand these two steps, you can escape from fear and be the fearless adventurer you were born to be! 23. Miracles: The Great Puzzle Solvers. Miracles are like the magical pieces that help us see everything in the right way. Imagine a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces were all mixed up; that would be pretty confusing, right? Well, sometimes our thoughts and feelings get all mixed up too, and that can make us feel not-so-great. But guess what? Miracles come to the rescue! They rearrange how we see things, just like putting puzzle pieces in their correct spots. This makes us feel better at every level, like when you're not feeling well, and a warm hug makes you feel better. When you're super honest about how you feel and what you think, it's like saying, "I'm okay with being me!" That's when you really understand peace and joy, and you can share that with others too. You might still have lots to learn, just like when you're figuring out a new game, but that's okay because learning is super fun! And when you're all balanced, you can teach others as much as you learn, like sharing your cool toys. 24. You're a Super Miracle Maker. Did you know that miracles are like superpowers that can help heal the sick and even bring back the pretend-dead stuff? It's because we have this incredible ability to fix things we made go wrong in the first place, like when we build a tower of blocks and it falls down, but then we can build it back up even taller! You see, everything that's not nice, like being sick or feeling really sad, we sort of made it up ourselves, like making up a not-so-fun story. But guess what? You are so amazing that you can create things just like your super-awesome Creator! So, all those not-so-nice things are just like silly dreams that aren't real. Only the stuff filled with light and love, the things you create with your heart, those are the real treasures. 25. Miracles: The Super Chain of Forgiveness. Let's talk about something super cool called "miracles" and how they're like puzzle pieces that fit together to make something awesome called "Atonement." Imagine Atonement as a big, magical jigsaw puzzle, and each miracle you do is like a piece that makes the picture complete. And guess what? This puzzle works not just here but in all the cool dimensions of time, like different adventures in a video game! Now, there's a superhero, and that's me! I'm here to help you with Atonement, just in case you need a hand. When you share a miracle with someone, it's like sharing a piece of this puzzle with them, and guess what? You're not just helping them; you're helping yourself and me too! I'm here at the end of the puzzle to make sure everything turns out awesome. My job is to erase all the not-so-nice stuff that happens because people forget to love each other. Instead of calling it "sin," we should say "lack of love" because that sounds much nicer, right? There are no real monsters or threats, just stuff people made up. For More info please go to |
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