![]() MYSTIC LIVING TODAY APRIL 2024 REMEMBERING WHO WE ARE BEAUTY AND BELIEFS Dear One Last month I wrote about gathering beauty around and within us to open to our soul expressions. I hope you enjoyed this practice. Let’s continue it all the days of our lives. These days of lengthening light are perfect for noticing the beauty of abundance, colors, and wonder in our natural world. What all will you imbibe as gifts to yourself? Today I want to deepen our appreciation of beauty and to note those times in our lives when finding beauty seems to be missing from the realm of possibility. So often we have been told to ‘Change your mind and change your life’. There is much truth in this aphorism, and it is not always easy to do. Recently, I have had this experience and am gratefully on the other side and back into the realm of beauty once again. We all have these times and often, during them, we think that this is who we are and that we are incapable of remembering soul-filled states. Our spiritual work lies in the dark days of soul searching until we find the keys to unlock, understand, and release the patterns that keep us bound. Some of these patterns have existed since childhood. Others are the results of more recent ways of being that diminished us because of living in ways that were untrue to our sacred Selves. When this happens it is time to contemplate deeply as we search for the key patterns that led to our immersion into darker days in which so much seems bleak and intractable. We can ask ourselves what our body/mind/emotions are telling us. Also, we can pay attention to the messages we get from others and our environment. In your journal, write about what you are aware of and about this specific dark state. Then write about all the ways you can think of to be free and light-inspired beings once again. Our answers may include medical assistance, the help of healers, talking with a wise friend, meditative experiences, and/or anything else that brings you closer to your expanded and enlightened self. Keep searching within and trusting those body responses, emotions that rise to the surface, and intuitive nudges that suggest you go in specific directions in your search. We are not destined to live in the dark. We are destined to learn from the dark times so that our souls can rise higher and more brilliantly into the lighted and beautiful ways that are our birthright. After such contemplation, it usually is easy to see the beliefs that keep us stuck, such as “Well I was destined for this because this is the same thing that happened to my parent and grandparent. So, it is a hopeless situation, and I am a lost cause”. Such beliefs hold negative patterns in place. Then we are miserable. Again, in journaling, it is good to write these beliefs down on the left half of a page. Now, you will change your mind. On the right side of the page – for each negative, write the positive affirmation – i.e. Yes, this is a dysfunctional family pattern that I have gotten caught in, but I am here to release all this for myself, and my ancestors. I choose to make new and transformative choices. Today I am going to get out of this funk, go to my favorite park, and walk in beauty, drinking it in, naming it, finding nature’s scents, and seeing beauty in its everlasting abundance.” As you do this, breathe out constrictions, worn beliefs, and negative family patterns. Inhale beauty in all its manifestations from the smallest violet flower to the most expansive sky. Do this several times, relaxing with the exhalation and expanding your entire being – mind, body, and spirit – with your inhalation. After enough time, notice what has changed within and notice how your vision expands into the beauty surrounding you. This is a wonderful practice. As with any spiritual practice, the more we practice, the greater and more transformative our experiences. I wish you wonderful surprises during these next days, weeks, and months as you become lighter in your being, more spacious and positive in your thoughts, and more connected to the beauty around you as it becomes the beauty within your sacred presence in our amazing world. Namaste, beautiful one, namaste https://everydaysouldances.com |
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