A Practical Guide to Spirituality When I was 33, I started going to a healing group with my aunt. What I didn’t know then, but I do know now, is that 33 is the Christ number, the age at which Jesus stepped into his spiritual self and I feel this too was my journey, where I finally understood that my life was important. Not just because I was a mother and a teacher, but because I had another role to play and a mission to fulfil. I just wasn’t clear about what that was yet. I loved the weekly healing circle, not only did I meet some wonderful like-minded people with my aunt, but I also got to receive healing. Each week we would focus on a different type of healing, however at this stage it was only Spiritual healing. Feeling the amazing warmth and energy flowing through my body was marvellous and it really helped to relax me. It was where I was also introduced to meditation. I found that I could really switch off my busy mind and visualisation came easily to me. Exploring the wonderful sounds and sights of nature catapulted me to another level of consciousness, it was addictive. When Jo, one of the leaders asked if I wanted to write my own, I recoiled in horror, I never could imagine that my words could have such a profound effect on somebody’s state of mind and body – little did I realise then that I’d be writing many, many guided meditations for all ages. To be honest, although I loved receiving healing, I was unsure whether I was gifted to give it to others. I had never imagined this before but as I held my hands over a lady’s head, I could feel the heat and a pounding sensation building up within them. Amazed when the lady commented on how strong the energy was, she could feel it, I hovered my hands around the other chakras and the scanned the aura for areas I need of healing. One time, I was giving spiritual healing to a lady when I had a sensation of being blocked around the head. From there, I felt a whoosh of energy speed through her to her feet. I also heard “Keep calm.” Afterward, the lady confirmed that she was moving to a new house which was stressing her and that she had recently hurt her ankle. Over the coming months, I realised that I could see a beautiful peacock blue light in emerging from my hands when I gave healing and that my hand came to life, guiding me to places of injury or tension. My confidence grew as I began to feel changes in the energy, for example sometimes my hand felt hot when there was inflammation, other times they would go freezing cold. The members of the group could feel this change too, apparently it is common, but I had no prior experience of this up till now. I could also sense the energy of a person, whether their chakras were too open or indeed closed. I loved this! The more I spent with this healing group, the more talk of other healing filled my ears, sparking my interest further. I was introduced to Reiki and Rahanni, crystal, colour and sound healing, all of which brought such healing to others. I soon found myself as a Reiki Master and a Rahanni teacher, a Reiki drum practitioner and as I studied a diploma in crystal healing and Atlantean healing, but this took years and I feel I was brought each healing modality when it was my soul’s purpose to hold their energies within my aura. Trance healing became one of my favourites, I would love both being the trance healer and the battery – this is where the healers use your energy as a battery to hold the healing energy high for guides to step into and blend with their medium to give intense healing. When the guides blend with the medium, transfiguration takes place and your ca see subtle changes in the mediums face or posture take shape. This experience is simply amazing and special. One session, I was standing behind a lady when I suddenly became of a huge brown bear and felt it was protecting her. When we finished, I asked the lady if this meant anything to her and she confirmed her spiritual animal was indeed ‘Remus’ the bear. As time passed, I found that I looked forward to the healing circle more and more. My aunt and I were totally inspired by all the spiritual experiences and talk, I couldn’t get enough of it and we naturally gravitated towards a spiritual circle. Healing was well and truly ingrained in me and was my natural way of living, but now it was my time to explore my psychic and mediumship gifts. I was extremely nervous sitting in my first circle, I had no idea what it was going to be like and was apprehensive about the type of people that attended. I was so glad my aunt was also joining with me. As I sat down, within a circle of chairs, it dawned on me that there were about twenty other people. Luckily, all normal and friendly. One of my first memories came halfway through that very first session, the lady running it suddenly turned to me and asked me to stand up and connect with spirit. I’d been happily sitting in the wonder energy of spirit and watching how others could stand up, link-in and identify loved ones through their appearance, characteristics and memories before giving a message. Now it was my turn and I had no idea how to do it, so I refused, point blank refused as did my aunt. I totally wasn’t ready, even though this was exactly why I was there. My nervous kicked in and I just wanted everyone to stop looking at me. Afterwards, at the end, this lovely gentle teacher turned to my aunt and I and said, ‘Next time I ask you to stand, I expect you to get up.’ Harsh, but right and I came back the next week and did just that. There were two teachers that day, the lady who owned the centre whom I had had a reading from and suggested I joined, and the softer lady so spoke so direct to me. To say I was petrified was an understatement. I felt like I was back in my teens in a math lesson where a scary teacher used to pick on me the whole time expecting me to know the answers to difficult sums. With the blood draining from me and my heart pounding, I rose and took my position with around twenty pairs of eyes staring at me. I took a couple of deep breaths and out of nowhere I could see images tumbling into my mind. I could see clearly and in colour. I also felt and understood things, however I felt I was making it all up. Being encouraged to share what I was experiencing I started to speak. I could see my uncle in my mind and described him, he was alive and well, but I came to realise that this is how spirit can help you identify people in the spirit world. As I continued to describe his height, clothes and personality I was amazed to see that somebody could take my information. My teacher pressed me further and I started to see events unfolding. Objects to start with and then places, all of which could be understood. Wow, I wasn’t making it up after all! As the months passed, one thing kept coming up for me, why could I see all these things, sense and know them but I couldn’t see and hear spirit like everyone said they could. It really baffled me. It was then it was explained to me that actually all these mediums weren’t seeing spirit like they their ‘real’ people and they weren’t hearing them in the spirits voice, they were using their ‘clairs’, their extra sensory senses of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience. With this knowledge I began to relax into my development and my own senses deepened. I really enjoyed the psychic exercises of psychometry, reading tarot, colours, people’s energy and, reading anything and everything – even tissues! (Clean ones of course). Around two years in, I was offered a mentorship with my now friends. There were two groups, but I was to be in the second group as my connection with spirit came slowly. With a promise to work hard and trust more (this had always been my problem) it was agreed, and I joined an amazing group of other developing mediums. We would meet every month for a whole weekend for six months and I loved every moment, well except the platform part where I had to demonstrate my mediumship. The nervous just kept coming even though I was developing my links and my evidence was more accurate. I remember one day my teacher began knowing the wall as I was working, she said “This is the sound of your guides banging their heads on a brick wall.” My lesson was to trust, to believe what I was getting, and I worked hard to say what I got without questioning. This took time and I still sometimes question my evidence today, but the difference is that I totally believe and ultimately trust in spirit. In fact, I now know that if my information can’t be understood it is because of me, my energy and my interpretation. Spirit wants us to help, they will not give us wrong information, they do not wish for us to fall flat on our faces, they want to communicate. It is our job as a medium to listen. Although I spent years sitting in circles and partook in three intense mentorship programmes, taking workshops and developing my interest in healing and past life regression and reading countless books, I believe that I am still learning today. I learn from my guides, sitting with them and listening, paying attention to the signs they and the angels send me. I also learn from my 1:1 private reading and through teaching my circle. There is always more to learn and grow. Life brings experiences, highs and lows – these are all our teachers. Sitting regularly in a circle can really boost your mediumship as it sends out the signal to the Spirit World that you are serious about connecting. It raises your vibration and with like-minded friends, you can support, and problem solve. A circle isn’t just about developing, its fine tuning and keeping you in the energy of spirit. Some people feel that they have reached the point where they can work on their own and are regularly giving readings, perhaps professionally and they no longer can learn from others, but I beg to differ. I may not sit in a circle but I run one and have either sat or run circle since I began this journey, as I said earlier, I too learn through my students and my teaching pushes my boundaries with the Spirit World and I will continue to teach for as long as Spirit want me to. My circle has the most wonderful group of mediums. When I first started out I had only three people, including my aunt. Each Tuesday we would sit in a cold, dimly lit shed at the back of a garden centre, but it didn’t matter to us as we were communicating with spirit and developing. After some time, the little place was sold, and I moved our circle to a children’s pottery shop which had amazing energy and a kettle for our tea and biscuits. Through word and mouth we expanded and shared many messages from our loved ones, however once again the shop was sold, and I was lucky enough to find a spiritual shop with a room to hire. This was brilliant as the owner had already run a circle and I was able to take over, merging mine with hers. For a while we built up the energy in the shop but alas, this too shut down. I was beginning to think that everything was against me when a beautiful friend and member of my group suggested that we used her flat, both in fact as she also moved. I felt happy and comfortable teaching and loved watching the mediums grow in a safe environment. Every member of my circle encouraged and supported each other, a far cry from some of the circles I sat in which became a room of egos at times. I feel because of the friendship, trust and love we became (and still are today) close friends. Circle is so important to me that when I found out I was pregnant with my fourth boy, I hardly took any time off and return with him in arms, breastfeeding whilst I taught. Not many mediums could say they had been taught in such an environment, but this is testament to my students/friends. Again, through word and mouth, we continued to expand, having now up to twenty members (they don’t all come at once, but I do have the regulars which turn up each week). I felt honoured that they trusted my teaching and I was, and still am, so excited to see them grow in their own development. They are amazing! Suddenly, as I arrived at this point in my life, everything changed. With just over a year since my fourth son was born, my dad died. My dad was my rock, alongside me. Mum, together there were always there for me. Dad was the typical protective father, the man who instilled my values and helped the family with any job that needed doing. He was a wonderful father and grandfather, his sudden death shocked us all. I remember when I received the call from mum that he had had a car accident and was being taken to hospital. I knew deep down within my soul it was serious, yet I begged my angels to help and not let him die. I meant really begged and kept begging all the way to the hospital. It was when I reached High Barnet and was stopped by a red traffic light did, I pause and felt my dad sitting next to me in the car. I looked at the clock for so reason and it read, 14.44. in that moment, I only felt how odd it was but in reality, I now know that 444 is an angel number to reassure us that an army of angels are surrounding us. He had passed. I look out the window, whilst willing the lights to change and saw the estate agent’s ‘Martyn Gerard’, my dad’s name spelt exactly as he did, with a ‘y’. I knew yet knew he has passed to spirit and I was a mess. This couldn’t be happening and not to my dad. I hadn’t experienced emotion and sadness like this before, it ripped my whole world. The Mindful Medium by Alison Grey is available from https://www.6th-books.com and wherever books are sold. BOOK LINK: https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/6th-books/our-books/mindful-medium-practical-guide-spirituality |
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