![]() Stardust: A Conversation with Galactic Archangel Orion
Marty Boyle (Galactic Archangel Orion and Soul visit a modern-day elementary playground on this part of their journey.) Chapter 3, Part 1
I blinked and gazed around me. I found we had traveled to what looked like an elementary school playground, but I had already learned that with Archangel Orion as my guide, anything was possible, so didn’t want to make assumptions. Again, apparently, it was time for recess, for dozens of young children were squealing with delight as they played on the equipment with their friends, and raced around, burning off all that pent-up energy from the morning. Looking at their clothing, I surmised that this was modern day. I looked up at Orion and smiled, remembering my many years as an elementary teacher. I had never minded recess duty because I, too, needed to be outdoors, soaking up the healing rays of the sun, and reveling in my students’ joy. I watched an exciting game of tag, which came so close to where we were standing, that I reflexively jumped back; the kids missed running into me by inches. When there was no reaction, I concluded that they did not see us – we must be invisible. That is why I was surprised when my attention moved to the swings, and I watched as one little girl slowed herself, jumped off the swing, and began to skip in our direction. She looked to be about five years old, but seemed small for her age. She was a beautiful little girl with lovely dark brown skin; her dark curly hair was pulled back into two cute knots on the top of her head. Brightly colored barrettes completed her fashionable look. She wore a frilly pink dress with a white sweater. On her feet were lacy socks and black patent leather shoes. I chuckled, thinking that the choice of her clothing that day must have been a lively conversation at home with her mother, which the young girl had obviously won. As she continued to walk toward us, I noticed one knee was skinned. Having experienced the tag game, I was confident that we remained invisible. We weren’t. When she was a few feet away, she grinned, charmingly revealing several gaps in her mouth. I smiled and spun around to see who was the lucky object of that smile. There was no one behind us. I turned back to find the girl right in front of us. I could only gasp. “She can see us?” I whispered to Orion. The girl nodded. “Of course, I can see you, silly! You’re standing right there, aren’t you?” I fumbled for words. “But the kids playing tag didn’t seem to see us. How is it that you can?” Orion chuckled. “Soul, I want you to meet a very special human – Faith.” The little girl put out her hand and I grasped it. For someone so small, she had a good grip on my much larger hand. “Faith, this is Soul, who I was telling you about.” Faith grinned and released her hand. Suddenly, the school bell rang, signaling the end of recess. All of the children came running toward the nearby door. Within moments, they had quieted somewhat, and the teachers began to lead them back inside. I turned to Faith. “Aren’t you going in?” “Oh, I am,” she replied, pointing toward the end of the line. There stood Faith 2.0, who smiled and gave us a little wave. As she walked by us, she winked. Within moments, the school door closed and the playground was quiet. I looked at Orion, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What just happened?” The archangel smiled. “Humanity’s potential is limitless. You are only limited by your imagination. This is just one example. When we first met, we spoke of simultaneous existence, as opposed to linear time, remember? That all of your lifetimes are concurrent – all happening at the same time.” I nodded, and he continued. “Another version of Faith merely moved from another lifetime to this one in order to speak with you.” I shook my head in astonishment. Merely. Wonder what’s next? Faith giggled. “What’s next, Soul, is how about we sit at the picnic table to have our discussion?” I glanced at Orion, who nodded, and once we settled in, he began. “On this stop of our journey, one of our topics will be the history of your planet’s human evolution. Faith is here to lead us.” He paused. “Actually, Faith is one of many who have come to Gaia in physical form to help lead humanity into the next phase of evolution, but we’ll address the particulars of that at the end of our discussion.” He paused. “Faith, would you like to begin?” Faith nodded. “I guess we should begin by understanding that Gaia was designed as The Great Earth Experiment. Its purpose was simple: to have humanity walk as One toward Light. All That Is. God. Spirit. Source. It wasn’t the first such experiment of its kind, but the others had failed, so I imagine they were holding their breaths, so to speak, with this model.” My jaw dropped. “Failed? Why did the others fail?” “Those experiments were designed without Ego, negativity and density, and life was so beautiful and easy that those in the early experiments had no desire to move together toward the Light. They were happy where they were.” “So, what? They were scrapped? And, by the way, who’s they?” Faith smiled at Orion. “She doesn’t miss a trick, does she?” He grinned in reply. “We’re about to get to they, but let’s finish this discussion first.” “May I?” asked the archangel. When Faith nodded, he continued, “Scrapped. Interesting term, Soul, but, yes, those experiments were scrapped. In this particular iteration, difficult challenges were inserted – Ego, density, negativity, survival instinct...” My hand shot up. “Wait, please! I hate to keep interrupting you, but what do you mean survival instinct? Why wouldn’t the survival instinct help us in reaching our goals instead of it being a challenge?” Faith smiled. “No worries. Like all children on your realm at this time, I am here to teach you. Feel free to ask questions at any time. As for that question, the survival instinct to which Orion was referring is a personal survival instinct, as opposed to a collective survival instinct, whereby humanity not only survives together, but thrives together. The personal survival instinct kept you separate from each other. Ego is also of a personal nature, so goes against everything the designers hoped for humanity, but they understood that without overcoming those challenges, there could be no success.” When she paused, Orion spoke. “Perhaps the strongest challenge was the feeling of disconnection from the Light. From Source. Now, as for who designed the experiments, let’s …” “I know, I know. Let’s wait until the end of this discussion, right?” Orion grinned. “Actually, I was going to tell you that intergalactic and interdimensional beings were the designers, but I think you’re right. The details can come later.” I gasped. “What?! You’re actually going to leave me hanging after that?” He paused. “Are you ready to hear this? It feels like more than a baby step.” I gulped and nodded. He continued. “Okay, Soul, you asked for it. Before this experiment began, the designers – those intergalactic and interdimensional beings – put out a call to the Universe, asking for volunteers to be part of this latest experiment. The thought was to incorporate parts of their DNA strands – those parts which have so far eluded your scientists’ understanding – so that humanity’s DNA would be truly universal. Doing this provided a much-needed interest for the entire Universe to see this experiment flourish since each was so uniquely invested.” My jaw dropped, and Orion gently closed my mouth. I finally squeaked, “So, what you’re telling me is that our human DNA comes from the stars?” Faith smiled and nodded. “All within the Universe comes from the cosmos, but I prefer to think of all of us as Stardust!” Stardust. Mind blowing! Orion waited, knowing I needed time to process. After a long moment, he asked, “Soul? You okay? Could we move on here or do you need more time?” I smiled, tears filling my eyes. “It’s all so strange, but if I’m honest, it somehow feels right. Stardust!” I paused, and my eyes grew large. “I have another question.” When they nodded, I took a deep breath and continued. “Where is God in all of this?” Orion placed his hands on top of mine. “All That Is – God/Spirit/Allah/Yaweh/Source is the Creator of the entire Universe, not just your planet. I know that has been a favorite paradigm of many humans, but they need to expand their minds and hearts to process and understand this concept. All of this – and us – stem from the Divine Creator.” My mind was reeling. After a moment, I cleared my throat and said, “I’ll be honest, when I was growing up, my paradigm of God was the benevolent old white man on a throne with a crown and scepter, who banished evil doers to hell. My paradigm of angels strengthened, and I happily grabbed it with both hands. Benevolent Light beings protecting us. What could be better?” I peered at Orion. “Please tell me that paradigm still holds, as I grapple with this new information.” Orion smiled and nodded. “The angelic and devic realms are all real, and love and protect all, so you don’t have to scrap that paradigm, too, but more on that later. Baby steps.” Breathing a secret sigh of relief, I nodded and motioned for Faith to continue. “I am going to give you a brief overlay of early Gaia, but let’s first set the stage. Routinely, all of the councils in the Universe, send out beings, who move from planet to planet across the multiverse, searching for those that might sustain life. When they find one, and the council agrees that it is viable, other beings are sent to begin to nurture that planet, while others track its progress. Such was the case with Earth. After millions of Earth years, once the planet began to cool after its violent, volcanic beginning, Gaia qualified as a potentially viable planet, and its designers got to work. As a result, cells began to form, which eventually became minerals, which in turn, became plant life. Hundreds of millions of your Earth years later, once a food supply was established, tiny amoebas emerged, which eventually formed the very beginnings of the animal kingdom.” Faith paused, smoothed her dress, and sighed happily. “I just love pink, don’t you?” I freely admit that it was a bit of a challenge with the juxtaposition of Faith as an adorable five year-old in her pink frilly dress, and Faith as an extremely intelligent entity, who seemed to have zapped herself from a different lifetime or dimension, all of which was happening simultaneously. Yikes! When the little girl smiled, I realized she could read my thoughts. “Don’t worry, Soul, I promise that you’ll get more and more used to this as you continue on your journey.” She grinned at the angel. “As Orion likes to remind us, baby steps!” She paused. “But, now, let’s get back to our discussion, shall we?” [To be continued.] (Excerpt from Stardust: A Conversation with Archangel Orion © Marty Boyle 2023. All Rights Reserved. The book and the podcast link can be found on my website : https://www.martyboyle.com Podcast also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. |
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