![]() Stardust: A Conversation with Galactic Archangel Orion Marty Boyle (Galactic Archangel Orion and Soul visit a modern-day elementary playground on this part of their journey to continue their discussion with Faith.)
Chapter 3, Part 2 “After the animal kingdom was established, it was deemed that the time had come for the creation of other intelligent beings, who would serve as stewards of the planet. And just as there are stages of human development – infancy, childhood, etc. – and planetary stages – ice age, bronze age, etc., – there are also spiritual stages of humanity, known as the root races.” Faith paused. “Ready? When I nodded, she began. “The first root race, the Polarians, took place in what your scientists call the Pre-Cambrian period – the earliest part of Earth’s history. These beings were not physical, but etheric. They communicated by thought transference. Their form was astral, leaving no physical remains. Human’s sense of hearing evolved in this first stage, as well.” “Excuse me, Faith. What’s the Earth linear time frame?” “It was a period approximately from 541 million years ago to 4,600 million years ago. But, before I explain the second root race, you need to know that there was no clear delineation between root races. There was a great deal of overlapping of characteristics over millions of Earth years between when one race ended and the next emerged. With me so far?” When I nodded, Faith continued. “The second root race, the Hyperboreans, was semi-astral, but grew denser as Earth years progressed. It was during this period that bones, organs, hair and skin began. The sense of touch evolved during this time, as well. This race had a sound-language, a chant-like communication. Toward the end of this era, their form began to resemble that of present-day humans.” “And the third one?” I asked. “The third root race race held the Lemurians. They were a peace-loving, deeply spiritual, vegetarian race. During this era, the earliest beings were still partly ethereal in nature, but by the end of that era, they had evolved into full physicality. The sense of sight evolved during this time. They communicated by thought transference, although the chants were slowly evolving by the end of this era to monosyllabic speech. These humans appeared during the Triassic period of the Mesozoic era and continued to evolve during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, which began some 44 million years ago. Earth scientists called these latter-day Lemurian humans cave-men. Earth’s earliest mammals were part of this era, as well.” “The fourth root race were the Atlanteans. They existed some 4.5 million years ago and were also physical in form.” “Atlanteans!” I cried, slapping the table in excitement. “As in the lost continent of Atlantis?!” Faith smiled at my enthusiasm and nodded. “Atlanteans produced one of the most brilliant civilizations, utilizing powerful crystals. Early on, they were a spiritual race, but as the race progressed, they degenerated into an nonspiritual race with strong material instincts – Ego, greed, and power, pure and simple.” She paused. “One of the overlapping characteristics between these two races was psychic ability. Initially, Atlanteans had the psychic abilities of the Lemurians, but over time and misuse of those abilities for selfish ends, their ability to communicate psychically was lost, and the beginnings of speech began to evolve.” “Didn’t Atlantis sink?!” I whispered. “The bulk of Atlantis was submerged during the Earth time known as the Miocene Epoch, which existed from about 23 million years ago to 5 million years ago. It was during this stage of human development that the sense of taste evolved.” “I love this! But, if Atlantis was the fourth root race, how many are there?” “Seven.” “Whoa! Please continue, Faith.” “The fifth root race are the Aryans.” “Aryans?” My eyes widened. “As in Hitler wanting to make a pure Aryan race?” A shadow of sorrow crossed Faith’s face. “Yes, Hitler used that word in his quest to make what he termed the perfect race, but the word Aryan is an ancient Classical Sanskrit word meaning honorable, respectable, and noble – a far cry from Hitler’s machinations.” “Ah, thanks, Faith. That makes me feel better. Go on. What was the Aryan root race like?” “This fifth root race began about one million years ago in Central Asia.” Faith paused. “A million years ago?” I sat a moment in thought. “Time seems to be speeding up. Are we in the fifth root race today?” “Yes, humankind is presently in the fifth root race. And as for time appearing to speed up, you are also correct. As to why, that explanation will come later.” “Okay, so, if we’re in the fifth root race presently, and time is speeding up, what will six and seven be like?” “Excellent question,” Faith replied. “Let’s just say for now that seeds of the sixth root race are already being sown on Earth and will become more numerous in your future. The flesh of the sixth race will be very tender and soft, and that of the seventh will be almost transparent. The races will grow greater in intellect and spirit. The new sense of the sixth root race will be what you call hunches. The new seventh root race sense will be intuition and thought transference.” “So, this whole thing – the Great Earth Experiment – is cyclical,” I concluded. “The first root race was ethereal, and by the end, we return to ethereal form.” She looked at Orion and Faith for confirmation. “Yes,” replied Faith. “That’s it in a nutshell.” I grinned. “Nutshell? Is that some deeply spiritual description?!” I paused for a moment and studied Faith. Faith giggled. “Go on,” she prodded, “ask your question!” “I’m just trying to put together some pieces of the puzzle in my mind, and a question begs to be asked.” When Faith nodded, I continued. “I guess I’m wondering why we met with you on this stop.” Faith giggled again. “Please don’t take that the wrong way, but there must be a correlation between you and root races, right? And that’s why Orion chose you to speak with us.” Faith stood up, brushed off the top of the picnic table and sat on it, her legs tucked daintily underneath her frilly dress. She glanced at her shoes and then back to me. “Don’t these shiny shoes just sparkle in the sunshine?” I nodded. These types of questions were right up my human alley. So to speak. I smiled. “They do, indeed, sparkle, Faith,” I replied. “Just like stardust!” Faith grinned. “Look at you, Soul! Integration of spiritual learning into your Earthly life. Just what we were hoping for you and all humanity!” She leaned over and patted me on the head, puppy-style. “Well done! I’ll address that question, but again, let’s set the stage, so this information can be more easily understood within its proper context.” She took a deep breath. “While humanity is presently in the fifth root race, the Aryans, seeds for the next root race have been sown since mid-way through the twentieth century. Once again, a call went out everywhere in the Universe, urging those who operate in Love – Lightworkers – to come to Gaia to speed up the progression of the planet.” “In the 1940’s, two major events occurred that also sped up Gaia’s evolution. In 1943, researchers and doctors first termed a condition they found in some children: infantile autism. While that term was coined for the scientific and medical world, autistic children are a critical part of the evolution. And then, the latter part of the 1940’s saw the beginnings of the birth of Golden Children, also known as Star Children.” “Golden Children?” I breathed. “Autism? Are you saying that those on the spectrum are Star Children?” Faith nodded. “Yes, regardless of whether or not they remember, their souls do. But besides autistic Star Children, there were many other Star Children who arrived to assist in Gaia’s evolution, as well. Also, at this point, many, many compassionate, loving, intelligent beings across the Universe agreed to incarnate in a human body to assist with all Star Children, working together to help move humanity toward Oneness, where only peace, unconditional love and joy exist.” I nodded. “The teeter totter and Collective Consciousness.” “Yes, dear Soul. Remember, we talked about humanity’s sacred task to move all of humanity toward Oneness – the Age of God.” I nodded. Again. She paused. “At that time, you asked how this was possible. One answer is Star Children.” “The first wave of Star Children, the Indigo Children, incarnated after World War II, and lasted through 1980, which your researchers term the Baby Boomer Generation. The Indigos born during that time were special children who had come to break down old paradigms. They are warrior souls, passionate in their beliefs, and standing up and fighting for what they believe is right.” “Whoa! Sounds like a description of those who protested for civil rights and peace and against the Vietnam War during the ‘60’s.” Faith nodded. “Exactly. You may know of the immense positive impact many of those peaceful protests had on laws and government.” She paused. “Many of those particular souls incarnated with the gifts of healing and clairvoyance.” “They were psychic?” “Actually, all humans incarnate with these gifts, but some choose not to develop or even acknowledge them. Once again, Free Will.” “Many of these Indigos battled depression in their young lives because they were experiencing life on planet Earth for the first time with its great density and negativity. Frankly, they felt very alone, separated from Source, not feeling as if they fit in, and wished to go Home. Unfortunately, far too many of these brave souls were diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and were medicated, or were diagnosed as mentally ill, and institutionalized, often in barbaric facilities. Other special children with autism were lucky, and were sheltered within loving families, accepted for who they are, and taught by wise teachers to not only survive, but thrive in the world.” “As these Indigos settled into the world, another generation of Star Children arrived: Crystal Children. Born mostly from 1980-2005, these children incarnated to heal emotional wounds with unconditional love. They have a forgiving nature, and are very sensitive, warm and caring. But they are powerful, and when meeting people, if they choose, they may often feel what is in those other’s hearts. These sensitives have gifts of clairvoyance and healing, as well.” “And all those Crystal Children know they have those gifts?” “Their souls know it. Remember, souls make their own Life Charts before incarnating, so some chose to experience their spiritual gifts, some chose not to, oftentimes terrified of the great power within themselves. Free Will.” “Rainbow Children were the third generation of special children who have come to help humanity evolve. They began to incarnate after 2005. Their gifts and tasks are similar to earlier Star Children, but they are particularly psychic, a gift that will emerge as they grow older. They are brave, strong-willed, and have high energy and forgiving hearts. A great number of these Rainbow Children incarnated onto Gaia after 2010.” “More and more volunteers across the Universe continued to come to Earth. In 2012, Violet Crystal Children began their arrival. Their task is to heal humanity and Earth. 2015 brought in the Diamond Children, who will be part of the new world teachers. And to answer your earlier question, Soul, I am one of the Diamond Children.” “Indigo children broke down paradigms of traditional thinking. Crystal children have begun to build a new foundation with new paradigms that will shift the planet back into alignment. Rainbow children are here to teach humanity to open their minds and hearts, embracing who we really are, knowing we are all connected. And Diamond children are humanity’s teachers.” “But, what you may not realize is that besides those who are Star Children, there are many Universal beings who have always lived among you, guiding and protecting humanity. With all of that Love and Light directed at humanity and Gaia, you can see how that teeter totter and Collective Consciousness can gently drop us into The Age of God.” I shook my head in wonderment. It all sounds amazing. “All Star Children – regardless of whether or not they are on the spectrum – each have their own talents and gifts. When children makes that realization, they will come to understand their true tasks for this incarnation and develop the gifts that are theirs if they so choose. Even if they are not yet aware of them, the gifts are theirs, waiting to be discovered. Hidden gems. Actually, all of humanity holds these precious hidden gems within them, as well. The gems are there, just waiting to be found.” For a long moment, silence and Peace filled us. I breathed deeply of it, hoping that one day, I would find my own hidden gems. I smiled at that thought. Finally, Orion cleared his throat. “Faith, you have done a remarkable job today. I am proud of you!” I smiled and added, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Faith, for not only speaking with me today, but for what you are doing for humanity. I am deeply grateful.” I paused a moment in thought. Faith looked at me expectantly. “Ask.” “Well, I can’t help but wonder at the timing of all of this. For millions of Earth years, we seemed to have moved along i our progression, guided and protected by loving beings, and then at the mid-point of the 20th century, everything changes. Time sped up. It seems to me that something must have happened. Something must have precipitated this change. Am I right? What happened?” Faith’s face fell for just a moment before she recovered, gave me a weak smile, and quietly uttered three words. “The atomic bomb.” And with that, there was a small whooshing sound, and the three of us shifted. (Excerpt from Stardust: A Conversation with Archangel Orion © Marty Boyle 2023. All Rights Reserved. The book and the podcast link can be found on my website, https://www.martyboyle.com. Podcast also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.) |
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