Stardust: A Conversation with Galactic Archangel Orion
By Marty Boyle (Galactic Archangel Orion and Soul continue their conversation on Cosmic Laws with Zeta, a most remarkable being on a most remarkable journey.)
Chapter 4, Part 2 “So, basically, what goes around, comes around?” “Exactly. The fourth cosmic law is The Law of Polarity, often described as Everything has duality, everything has its pair of opposites, and while the opposites are identical in nature, they differ in degree.” I grinned. “That’s a mouthful! What’s it all mean?” Orion smiled. “Actually, it’s quite simple. It means that there are two sides to everything. And when things appear to be opposites – such as cold and hot – they are actually the same, just degrees of temperature. This holds true with love and hate, as well. They appear polar opposites, but they are the same – powerful emotions. And if you feel you would like to transform your thoughts, you can do so by raising your vibrations, but we will discuss that further at another stop of our journey.” “The fifth cosmic law is The Law of Rhythm, which can be described as Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” My eyes widened. “Maybe you can explain that one?” “Glad to, Soul. Everything in the Universe follows a cyclical pattern – waves in the ocean rise and fall, as do civilizations, as well as your thoughts.” Orion paused for a long moment. “If only that understanding would return to those in such despair that suicide sounds like a viable option, they would find hope that the despair would not last forever, and peace and contentment would eventually return to them.” “I’m not sure that in the heat of the moment, humans would remember that,” I said softly. “Oftentimes, they are in intense physical and emotional pain.” “And that’s one of the tragedies behind suicides,” Orion replied. “If humans, both young and old, truly understood this cosmic law – and were immersed in that understanding at an early age, your world would be a far better place – a place of peace, knowing difficulties won’t last forever.” Orion gave me a few minutes to assimilate his words. He nodded to Zeta, who continued. The sixth cosmic law is The Law of Cause and Effect, which states: Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause. This law tells us that every single effect seen in your world has an origin in your mind. Again, the power of your mind and its thoughts are one of the greatest forces on your planet. Mastering your mind will allow you to become the master of your destiny. He paused. We’re up to number seven. Ready? He waited for me to nod, and when I did, he continued. The seventh cosmic law is The Law of Gender, which states: Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles. What humans might refer to as opposite sexes, are found everywhere – plants, minerals, electrons, humans, to name a few. Feminine qualities are love, patience, intuition and gentleness, while masculine qualities are energy, self-reliance, logic and intellect. It is wise to cultivate those qualities which are not strong in your personality, and when you integrate them with your gender’s qualities, you will be complete, which is one of the goals for the human race – to walk as One. Zeta lifted his hand, and with his index finger, drew an infinity symbol, which lingered in the air. The Law of Divine Love is number eight. This Love is not romantic love, but the acceptance of others as they are without judgment or expectations. This law states: If you go out of your way to express unconditional love, you automatically rise above Fear, and, as you transcend your fears, you automatically open to the expression of unconditional love. And, like this infinity sign, love never ends, but continues forever. I know you have discussed this earlier, but its importance bears repetition. This law reminds humans that they have Free Will to choose to live their lives either in Fear or in Love – you cannot choose both. In choosing Fear, Ego – with its accompanying drama and negativity – is given free reign over your life, and you and your Higher Self are no longer in charge. When you experience challenges, Fear closes you down, and you react, which only makes the difficult situation more difficult. By choosing Love, you can rise above difficult situations and respond, opening up your mind to view the situation more clearly, allowing yourself to learn the lessons within, which is what you have asked to do. Zeta smiled at me. And, as we talked about earlier, when you send out Love into the Universe, it boomerangs back to you.” He paused. “If you really wish to experience unconditional love, move out of your comfort zone and look around you. You will find a plethora of opportunities to express that kind of love. For a long moment, silence filled the area. So much to learn. So much to understand. I took a deep breath. “Could we please return to our discussion of noninterference?” Zeta nodded. “If there is a noninterference rule, can you do anything when you check in on a planet and you feel it’s in danger of desecration, as you phrased it?” We can help, but not interfere. My gaze went from the angel to the alien. “How would you help?” Orion smiled at Zeta. “May I?” When Zeta nodded, Orion began. “Have you ever heard of the concept of multiple discovery?” I nodded. “I’ve read about that. I find it fascinating, but would like to know more.” “The concept of multiple discovery is the hypothesis that many scientific discoveries and inventions are made independently and more or less simultaneously by multiple humans across your world.” “Such as?” “There are multiple discoveries in both science and inventions. For example, the same day that Alexander Graham Bell filed a patent for the telephone in Boston, Massachusetts, Elisha Gray filed a similar one in Highland Park, Illinois. Human controversy still continues as to who should get credit.” Another invention is the blast furnace, which was independently invented during the same time frame in China, Europe and Africa.” He paused. “In the 17th century, the independent formulation of calculus was credited to Isaac Newton, but also Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and others. The 18th century discovery of oxygen was credited to Carl Wilhelm Scheel, Joseph Priestly, Antoine Lavosiere and others. Magnetism was discovered independently in Greece, China and India. The list goes on and on. In fact, the prestigious Nobel Prize Committee understands this concept, so will give an award to more than one scientist for the same discovery.” “Your inventor and scientist, Thomas Edison, did not want to waste valuable time sleeping, so limited his sleep to 3-4 hours a night. To compensate, he was well known for his power naps. But during these naps, he would hold three small steel balls in his hand. When he drifted off – as it happens with all humans – his mind would enter the hypnagogic state. This is theta state, the brief transitional stage between full wakefulness and sleep, and the threshold between sleep and dreams, and the real world. There he would get visions of inventions. As his mind moved toward sleep, the balls would drop out of his hands, awakening him, so he could sketch the vision he saw during hypnagogia. He had learned early on that sleep erases the visions, so wanted to make sure they were captured. There are many more examples throughout your planet’s history, but that should suffice for now.” After a pause, he added, “The same is true, however, with music and books. Many musicians have reported over Earth time that they heard a song or piece of music in a dream, and wrote it down upon awakening. Many authors dream of stories or an entire book, which they furtively write down upon awakening. J.K. Rawling had just such an experience on a train ride in 1990. She reported that the book concept for Harry Potter just fell into her head.” I was confused. “That’s all fascinating, but what does it have to do with our discussion?” Zeta took a step closer to me, but there was no fear. Dear Soul, we so love humanity, that we brought those visions and dreams to many around your world. Like sowing grass seed, some take, while others do not. In order to ensure that the seed comes to fruition, extra seeds are planted. Hence, multiple discovery. “But what about that noninterference rule? Isn’t that breaking it?” No, Zeta replied. We understand and hold that directive deep within our hearts. The Earth was created in order to evolve, and decisions are made by the intergalactic council to give humanity a push forward. A jump start, if you will. He paused. I will be frank. This is a very sensitive issue. On other planets that have been found viable, the push was too much, and so, we have learned to be very judicious. “Well, that’s incredible, but somehow, again, it makes sense to me.” I thought a long moment. “What about structures? Like the pyramids, Stonehenge, or any other massive structure that early humankind was not capable of building?” Zeta nodded. All of those structures you mentioned, as well as the many others scattered around your world, were placed on those sites by loving beings. Some were used as communication devices, some were for protection, while others were used for spiritual guidance. Again, I nodded, my mind reeling with all that I had learned on this stop. Orion nodded to Zeta, and I knew our visit was almost at an end. I also knew that one question had yet to be asked and answered. “Wait!” I called, jumping to my feet. “We haven’t addressed the elephant in the room. So to speak.” Orion looked amused. “Hyenas and now elephants? Are you sure that instead of being a teacher, you aren’t a wildlife specialist in your present lifetime?” I glanced at the little alien creature. It was obvious he had not understood. “Orion is using humor, Zeta. Something that makes you chuckle.” Chuckle. I like that. I will tell my friends about this chuckle when I return. He paused. What is this elephant question? I might preface my answer with the fact that there very well may be other planets with elephants besides yours, but of that, I am unaware. Does that answer the elephant question? “Elephant in the room is just an expression. It means that no one has spoken about something huge, even though it is right before our eyes.” Aah, and what is this elephant in the room question, Soul? I glanced at Orion, who nodded. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth, hoping my foot would not find its way there. I had no desire to be at the heart of any interstellar crisis involving elephants. “Okay, I sure hope the question doesn’t offend you, but many humans have heard tales of alien abductions, and then upon returning to their lives, finding marks on their bodies. Some swear atrocities have been committed to them aboard an alien craft, while strapped to a table-of-sorts, but only have vague memories of the horrifying experience. Still others claim that during one drive home, which normally took thirty minutes, it took them four hours to complete. And, of course, many of us have seen horror movies that involve gruesome alien invasions.” I paused. “I totally believe you when you say that aliens are peace-loving and are here because they love humanity and want to see us evolve, but what about these issues?” Zeta nodded. Let me see if I can address all of these serious concerns, Soul, but first of all, let me ask you a question. You were a teacher. Tell me, are all teachers across the world good humans? Or are all those in ministry across the world good humans? What about the leaders in your countries around the world? Are they all good humans? The question surprised me, and it took me a moment to clarify my thoughts. “Well, most of them are good humans. You can find rotten apples in any bushel of otherwise perfectly ripe apples.” Another chuckle, no? I was unaware that our discussion had turned to produce. I quickly put up my hand, but he continued. That was a chuckle, Soul, but perhaps you get my meaning behind the questions I posed. To use another human phrase, if I may be permitted, are you a glass half-full type of human or a glass half-empty one? Do you choose to see the good in people, or just the bad? Your perception of the world colors your reality, much like your thoughts create your reality. To specifically answer your question, Soul, the vast majority of alien life creations are loving and peaceful, and only want the best for humanity, but we have some rotten apples in our bushel, as well. Let me apologize now to those humans who may have encountered – and may be traumatized – by some of those rotten apples. On behalf of the Universe and all its wonderful creations within, I deeply apologize. Having said that, however, the answer is yes. For different reasons, abductions and subsequent medical procedures aboard a craft are not uncommon, but whether or not there is memory of their soul agreement to participate in such a situation, advances in medicine on your planet have been the result of many of these abductions. Those marks on the body you spoke of are for painless diagnostic procedures, and fade within a very short time. Without meaning to disparage you and your planet, our understanding of ‘health’ is vastly superior to yours. There is no physical surgery needed to resolve a health issue. Your planet is the only one whose surgeons actually cut into the physical body. Yes, in many situations, linear time is affected, while in other situations, no time is lost from the time a human comes aboard to when they return to Earth. As for alien invasions, you can rest easy. And, if I might be permitted another chuckle, if one ponders, one might realize that such an ‘invasion’ has already occurred, for as I told you earlier, we have walked among you for decades. Remember, too, that we – humans and alien life forms – are all Stardust. We all share Universal DNA. Cosmic DNA. Enjoy your science fiction movies, but remember that as you are watching them and munching on popcorn, it remains a movie. Suddenly, a movie screen appeared in front of us. The projected scene was one of a busy street in a major metropolitan city. Many people were walking; others were waiting at the intersection to cross the street. Busy cars, taxis, and buses hurried to their destinations. It looked perfectly normal, and I couldn’t help but wonder what this scene had to do with our discussion. As if Zeta had heard my thought, suddenly, the screen shimmered and changed. I gasped, for probably one in four humans were something other than human. My eyes wide and my heart pounding, I turned to Zeta for an explanation. Your knee-jerk reaction is the main reason we have not yet made ourselves known on a global basis. We have walked your planet with you for many, many decades. One day – in the near-distant future – this illusion will slowly drop for all humanity, and at long last, humans will understand that we all share Universal DNA. “Are you saying that with this Cosmic DNA strand, humanity is some type of hybrid race?” Zeta nodded. Yes, but this is not a recent addition to your DNA. The human species contained the Universal strand from its earliest beginnings. And, those on the screen who looked human are still part of the hybrid human race with the shared Cosmic DNA. We are all Stardust. We are all One. He paused, and when the screen faded from view, his eyes met mine. Does that successfully address the elephant concerns? I nodded and gulped audibly, wishing I hadn’t had that knee-jerk reaction. “And to answer your question, I am definitely a glass half-full human, with another shattering paradigm down around my ankles. I suspect like most humans, I will just have to let all you have graciously shared, roll around my mind for a while before it settles in and gets comfortable. But I pledge to continue to work on understanding it, as I work to integrate it into my life.” I paused as Orion smiled and turned to Zeta. “Thank you for speaking with us today, dear friend. May all your travels be safe ones, as you complete your sacred tasks.” “Thank you,” I added. “I greatly appreciate you talking to me, but mostly for all you are doing for the evolution of humanity.” I paused. “By the way, are you finished with your assessments for this planet?” Zeta replied, Yes, I have. My findings have already been uploaded to what you would perceive as the Council’s computers. He bowed. It has been my pleasure. I hope to visit with you another time. Zeta started to fade when a sudden thought struck me. “Wait!” I cried. “We never talked about this place. Did you find this planet viable?” No. The destruction and desecration was so great that we don’t believe it will ever become viable again. It is a very sad situation, indeed. “So, what happened, if you don’t mind me asking?” Soul, you need to not only understand, but then extend that knowledge to the world. The downfall of this planet occurred out of Greed, Power, and Ego. Many of its inhabitants forgot the mission each had vowed to accept before incarnating – accepting stewardship of their planet and moving as One to the Age of God. In many cases, there was a complete disregard of precious life. It fills all of us with great sorrow because we had such high hopes for this bountiful planet and beautiful souls. We intervened with love and support, but we failed. I am filled with sorrow because we failed. Because I failed. Tears streaked my cheek, and I knew our time was quickly coming to an end, but I had one more question. I could already hear the beginning of the whooshing sound, signaling our exit. I quickly asked, “You never gave us the name of this planet. Where are we?” As if in reply, I heard only the soft whooshing sound, and the three of us shifted. Excerpt from Stardust: A Conversation with Galactic Archangel Orion © Marty Boyle 2023. All Rights Reserved. The book and the podcast link can be found on my website: Podcast also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify |
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