![]() THE APOCALYPSE ALREADY EXPERIENCED BY MYSTICS By Stephen William. He is a UK based Medium and Healer and Author of “Nostradamus His Prophecy Finally Explained.” Available on Kindle now.
Apocalypse has been a very misused word in recent years. That word and the word Apocalyptic have been used often by sensationalist journalists and other writers to describe a hellish or very violent and chaotic event or situation . This is probably because of the dramatic events described in The Book of Revelation in the New Testament. However , the word Apocalypse merely mean’s Revelation. It comes from the Greek word “apocalypsis” which means to uncover or reveal. Yet because of the dramatic and lurid events described in The Book of Revelations this simple meaning of the word has been widely misunderstood. But why was this dramatic imagery employed by “John” the author of the Book? The possible answer may be more surprising than widely believed. Before I come to that, originally it was believed that it was Saint John the Apostle ,one of Jesus’s own Apostles who wrote Revelation. But now most Biblical historians believe it was John of Patmos , a Christian (probably Jewish by birth) preacher-prophet who had lived on the Aegean Sea (near modern Greece and Türkiye) island of Patmos in the reign of Roman Emperor DominItan around 93 CE (AD). The imagery conveyed in the Book of Revelation which its fantasticial creatures and dramatic incidents appears to predict an awesome and somewhat turbulent end to the world as we now know it. However, as these prophecies were made very nearly two thousand years ago and still do not appear to have happened, they to many modern people whatver their spiritual beliefs or non-beliefs seem, that they may never happen and were never likely to happen. Yet they may already have! The Seven Headed Beast referred to in Revelation , is accepted by many Biblical historians to be a representation of the Emperor Nero CE (AD) 37-68 CE(AD) of Rome a predessessor of Dominitan . Nero was already dead by then . As many readers will know was an infamous tyrant and great persecutor of Christians and had many executed and tortured. He even blamed the Burning of Rome on them ! This was despite the almost certainty he had the fire caused himself so he could rebuild Rome to his exact specifications. By blaming the city wide fire on the Christians it gave him the excuse to persecute them even further . The Seven Heads of the Beast are meant to represent the Seven Hills of Rome. The Seven Hills of Rome were so iconic that they sometimes appeared on Roman Empire coins. To the persecuted Christians of the time the symbolism would have been understood . Emperor Dominititan who was the Emperor during the composition of Revelation was also a great persecutor of the new Christian religion. Therefore the Beast could mean him ,however the Number of the Beast 666, using the numerical kaballistic style coding system of Gematria of the time, corresponds with’s Nero’s name The Whore of Babylon, a concept which first appears in the Old Testament,is supposed to represent the Roman Heathen Empire (which of course rides the Beast) is supposed to be succeeded by the Christian religion, a prophecy which did come true in the coming centuries. So the possibility of the “The Beast” being a prediction of a future cruel world dictator , modern Anti-Christ, etc. is highly unlikely. I suspect most preachers who say it is coming in the future are aware of this research and know it is unlikely too. Other passages in Revelation have had suggested meanings pertaining to the writer’s own lifetime and it may be worth your own research on this subject. By using allegorical and symbolic images to his fellow contempory Christians ,John could convey an optimistic and hopeful message to them, which if read by the Roman authorities might not be understood. A BUST OF THE ROMAN EMPEROR NERO WHO SOME HISTORIANS BELIEVE IS THE BEAST REFERRED TO IN REVELATIONS. ![]() THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF REVELATIONS WAS IN GREEK AND THE ABOVE EXPLAINS HOW JOHN OF PATMOS PROBABLY MEANT THE NUMBER 666 TO BE UNDERSTOOD. The reason why it is supposed that John wrote these passages was to reassure Christians in his own time ,that Nero who had persecuted them was now gone and their movement had survived. Therefore whatever new persecutions under the current Emperor occurred ,they would eventually overcome the cruelties of the Roman Empire and displace them with their own religion. This was a prophecy that as mentioned came true when the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as its official religion in 380 CE (AD). However as we all know much of the cruelty of the Empire did not cease. Nothing in this life seems to be perfect! The reason why it is supposed that John wrote these passages was to reassure Christians in his own time ,that Nero who had persecuted them was now gone and their movement had survived. Therefore whatever new persecutions under the current Emperor occurred ,they would eventually overcome the cruelties of the Roman Empire and displace them with their own religion. This was a prophecy that as mentioned came true when the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as its official religion in 380 CE (AD). However as we all know much of the cruelty of the Empire did not cease. Nothing in this life seems to be perfect! So where does this lead us mystics in modern times experiencing an “Apocalypse”? Well every time we experience direct spiritual contact whether ourselves or via a mediumistic practitioner , we experience the revelation that a spiritual/supernatural dimension to life exists , just as John on Patmos did all those centuries ago. This form of revelation comes to us via a message from a departed loved one or friend . Sometimes they make a personal “prophecy” that comes true in a short space of time. This time travelling view of the future proves that you are receiving a genuine message/ revelation from a supernatural source and not suffering a mental delusion. The purpose of such revelation is the same as it has been to mystics throughout history. That purpose is for mystics to share their knowledge with others, that whatever happens in this life , they will be united with a greater and enhanced existence when they pass on. Mystics can prove that the mystic/supernatural/spiritual dimension exists, far more clearly than conventional faith-only religions. Most of the leading figures in the Bible had direct spiritual contact , so why not modern people? Especially if they are of good intentions. If I can return to John of Patmos ,he appears to be what we would describe as a mystic. His knowledge of Gematria, which was used very much in the Jewish mysticism of the age and later in what became what we now know as the Kabballah from the 1200s onwards, indicates this. Combined with his mystical meditation and prophecy using spiritual contact, certainly points to the fact he was totally mystical in his approach to life. He does not however, seem to be predicting our modern age, as medieval seers such Nostradamus , Ursula (Mother) Shipton, Friar Roger Bacon etc did. by identifying modern inventions such as aircraft, motor vehicles, suspension bridges, radio etc. Therefore his messages seem to be directed at an audience of his own time and the centuries that closely followed his time. However if John of Patmos were reaching out to us in our time as well, he could quite possibly be predicting the Apocalypse or Revelation of direct spiritual experience experienced by a growing number of people throughout the world. This is after centuries of suppression by non-proof conventional religions, which has led directly to scientific skepticism of all mysticism and spirituality. This Apocalypse will not involve mass suffering and fear , but a realisation of the eternity of human life, just as the great religious figures of the past wanted us to know. ©Stephen William International Copyright. If you wish to read my book, it is available on this link at Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B098LS5PM7/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_MBDF06G549ZKJ6XFKMCJ |
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