Dr. Stewart Bitkoff One of the things which has been on my mind, and is a recurring theme, is how to improve self and the world around us. It doesn’t take an advanced degree to figure out that things are a real mess and many improvements need to be made. It is time to offer solutions- the first thing is to work on self and then as circumstance allows work on your immediate environment and then the larger world.
In my view, the over riding chaos about us has been orchestrated by a small group of people in each country who want to control and destroy. That is their evil nature and design. Keep the personal thing going- maintain control and watch the people suffer. That is my take on the situation and requires a much fuller discussion, but what I want to offer here is a solution: human development as a balance to this planned destruction. Each of us comes to this planet with a unique set of personal strengths and a life plan to actualize and contribute. What has been omitted from most of our schooling and training is this central aspect to our nature. What we are seeing is a re-emergence of this focus. The Light may dim but refuses not to shine. This is the remedy to the evil and darkness about us. Until now what has traditionally been presented as ‘spiritual learning’ has been a decayed and flawed version. There is a real, vibrant spiritual dimension and is available in all the great traditions- but you have to go deep and have to be in touch personally with this inner aspect. It is available to everyone and the goal of all authentic traditions is for the student to access this part of themselves. We have been given enough for the journey; but most have to remember or relearn how to access that part of themselves. By corrupt design, this training has been left out and is the missing piece. Individually, this is the part that will balance the darkness and collectively the piece that is needed in the world to make it a more humane place. What we need are multiple efforts on many levels, designed to bring about well rounded and healthy individuals who think about self and others. There needs to be a world wide initiative and discussion with the focus: how to create better people? And it will take many people working together in many different ways for this to happen. -SB |
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