Stardust: A Conversation with Galactic Archangel Orion By Marty Boyle (Galactic Archangel Orion and Soul continue their remarkable journey, and on this stop, is asked whether or not Soul can walk the talk.) Chapter 5, Part 2
“Is climate change bringing the massive storms we’re seeing?” “Yes, but it is not Gaia’s intent to cause terrible pain and suffering, for she loves and cherishes each human. When Gaia is out of balance, sometimes the spirit realm is the only one who can help restore that balance. Air and water spirits combine their forces, creating hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, and massive storms/tornadoes – all these help cleanse the planet from dense negativity and help renew balance to Gaia.” “But all those lost lives, all that suffering? Why would she do that if she loves and cherishes us?” “Everything must be broken down in order to rise and be reborn. And that includes Gaia.” He paused. “Actually, you are beginning to see this breaking down process in many of your institutions around the globe. A new world – and that’s where humanity is headed – can only be created within the ashes of the crumbling old world. In essence, a spiritual and physical phoenix of sorts.” He paused and then continued. “Is it not proper protocol on an airplane that is experiencing mechanical trouble, that the mother places the oxygen mask on herself first, so that she can better help her children?” When I nodded, Tree Spirit continued. “Mother Gaia does the same thing, but it’s a bit of a Catch 22. In order for her children to be healed, she must first be healed.” He paused. “Conversely, humans must first heal themselves from within before they are able to heal Gaia.” “I would like to think that there are many humans out there who are trying to heal Mother Gaia.” “Yes,” replied Tree Spirit. “But until humans have healed themselves, they cannot possibly try to heal anyone else – including Gaia.” “You saw the effects of wanton disregard to a sacred planet, did you not?” When I nodded, Tree Spirit continued. “Without this critical cleansing, there may come a time when our planet could be on the brink of extinction, as well.” “But to return to lost lives, I believe you have already learned that souls write their Life Charts, right? I finished his thought softly. “So, if they wanted to help cleanse the planet for the lessons learned, they would have chosen to experience that destruction in order to help Gaia.” I paused. “I guess I get that, but my heart still goes out for the humans and animals that suffer and die in such catastrophes.” Tree Spirit nodded. “Remember, out of death comes life – the silver lining of sorts. And one phoenix that arises from the ashes from the much-needed cleansing, would be the banding together of communities, nations, and the world. Nations compassionately join hands and minds and hearts to help those in need. That is exactly what the hope is for humanity – that all can remember the interconnection, and move forward as One toward the Age of God, but without it being the result of a cataclysmic event.” Orion leaned forward on the bench; his beautiful face grew even more serious. “We need to discuss something else, Soul, before I eventually answer the question you asked when we first arrived: Was that desecrated planet Earth? Let’s talk about the healing properties of Forgiveness.” “Forgiveness? Why is that so critical?” “Many things in your world weigh down your soul – think of them as unneeded baggage. Most of the baggage includes holding onto hurts and grudges, whether they be small or large, some of which may have been with you your whole life – or may be carried over from previous lifetimes. Far too many humans feel a sense of entitlement and superiority over others, and play out their lives within that paradigm. Others have an intense need to be right. All of it weighs down your soul. The purpose of our journey today is to prepare humanity for the shift – which we will discuss later, I promise! But in order to make such a shift, you cannot be weighed down with negativity. If you want to shift with the planet, you need to lighten your soul, and the best way to do that is to show Love and Compassion to all, and to simply forgive.” He paused. “The how is simple, as well. Go to that quiet place within you, and place the situation or person in your mind’s eye, and simply and sincerely say, ‘I forgive you.’ Of course, you will most likely have to repeat that many times in order to lighten your soul.” “Somehow, I think that may not be so simple,” I said. “There have been so many angry words everywhere, causing so much hurt and grief. I’m guessing that it would be really hard for humans to face those people who have caused such hurt and pain, and tell them they are forgiven.” “Did I mention facing people?” Orion asked. “Expand your mind to see that situation, and understand that Forgiveness is for healing your soul, as well as the soul of the others. When humans are angry, they are angry with people, not their souls, so sending Forgiveness healing Light touches their souls, as well as your own. You can forgive someone in your mind, heart and soul without confronting anyone. Forgiveness is Divine compassionate energy, and so after gathering up like energy, it will return to you like a balm to your soul.” He paused. “The Law of Vibration, remember?” I nodded. “Self-forgiveness is greatly needed, as well. Many humans emotionally beat themselves up on a regular basis, and so are in great need of soul healing. ‘I forgive myself. I am learning. I forgive myself. I am learning. I forgive myself. I am learning.’” Orion softly continued. “Returning to our previous discussion of planetary annihilation, you need to know that should that occur, besides the horrendous death of planet Earth, the negative repercussions of nuclear devastation would ripple throughout the Universe, endangering all of us. In order to prevent such a universal cataclysm, it is critically important that the inhabitants of Gaia remember their personal interconnection with not only Gaia, but with all creation. The best way to truly help Gaia is for each inhabitant to take personal responsibility for their actions, words and thoughts.” “I get the action part, but what do you mean, words and thoughts?” “It all comes down to energy, Soul,” Orion replied. “You learned that the Universe, and all it contains, is made of vibrating energy. Some vibrate at different speeds than others – and we’ll discuss that at a later stop – but everything vibrates with energy. When you show Love and Compassion to another creation or situation, that action creates Love energy. Like a boomerang, the energy first goes to the object of your compassion, but before it returns to you, it gathers like energy – Divine Love – which will return to you, as well. When you think hateful thoughts, gossip, say something with the express intent to hurt another, spew vitriol – the list goes on and on – yes, that negative energy is sent to the person or situation, but before it returns, it gathers like energy and then zaps you, as well. Thus, spewing negativity is harming not only others, but to your own soul, as well.” “Whoa. That gives new meaning to Jesus’s words: Love thine enemy.” Tree Spirit smiled and nodded. “Yes, but it wouldn’t be spiritually constructive for you to send energy only to those you love. The challenge is to send Love Energy to those you do not love – Love thine enemy. If you make it a daily habit to blast Light and Love energy to everyone who is a difficult person in your life, your life will be transformed.” “How is that even possible?” “Just like Forgiveness, Soul. Every time you think of that person, blasting Love energy will eventually heal the difficult situation. Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe – far greater than humanity’s nuclear weaponry. And it only takes a moment to make a huge change.” “How would I do that?” “Again, go to the quiet part of your mind, visualize the person, and reach within your spirit for Love and Light energy and direct it to them. Each time you send Love and Light, it becomes easier, and eventually, it will become second nature.” “That sounds like something I could do, but what about that person who was just dumped on with spiteful negative energy? What can they do with all those slings and arrows heading straight for them?” “They can learn to protect themselves from such onslaughts.” I held up my hand to interrupt, but Orion smiled. “The best way to protect yourself is to take a quiet moment before you start your day and ask us for protection. Visualize yourself wrapped in White Light around you, and remember to dissolve Fear at every moment. I am grateful. I am learning. I am grateful. I am learning. I am grateful. I am learning. Ask for angels to stand guard in your mind, heart and soul. If you can do those simple things, your soul will become impervious to negativity’s slings and arrows, as you phrased it.” “And now, I am ready to answer your question about the identity of the barren planet. The desecrated planet was not Earth.” I held up my hand, but he only smiled and continued. “I know. The word human was used several times during our discussion, which most likely lead you to believe that we were discussing your planet.” He paused. “At one point in your history, humankind believed that Earth was flat. All the decrees by all the esteemed scientists of that day did not change the truth that the world was not flat. Now, you scoff at that antiquated paradigm. The same holds true for many humans concerning extra terrestrial life. Human, with Ego on full display, decreed that not only were humans the only life in the Universe, but if there was any other, you were also the most intelligent. Ha! But, I will be truthful with you, as I have always been. There will be many who will scoff at the information you are learning and then sharing with the world. Know that many books have been written, and many more will come. There are countless Lightworkers sharing the message of our journey, so you are not alone.” He paused. “Are you strong enough to stand up for what is right, even if you feel as if you may be standing alone?” I gasped. “I am a retired sixth grade teacher. That’s just what I used to ask my beloved students!” “I know, Soul, but instead of asking them, I’m asking you. What you have already learned will smash many, closely held paradigms, but what is ahead on our journey will truly test that expanded heart and mind of yours.” I gulped. Do I have the courage to walk the talk? I gulped again, my heart racing, and finally nodded. “I am deeply humbled that I have been given this sacred task, and I vow to deliver the messages, no matter how paradigm-smashing they may be – and regardless of human reaction.” I paused a moment and then whispered, “I hope.” “You’ll be fine. You won’t be alone, but like all humans, you are always surrounded by a great number of White Light beings – angelic, devic, and galactic! Just keep that little tidbit in mind every time your nerves and emotions threaten to overwhelm you.” “Thanks, Orion. I’ll try to remember that.” I paused. “The word, devic, has been mentioned a couple of times. Who or what makes up the devic realm?” Tree Spirit winked and smiled broadly. “The devic realm is the connection between nature and animals to Gaia.” Suddenly, the veil before my eyes must have lifted because the devic realm suddenly made itself known. I gasped with delight as I watched garden faeries, gnomes, elves, unicorns, satyrs, mermaids and mermen, dragons, dwarves, trolls, other tree spirits and so many others that I soon tired of trying to identify them, and just marveled at them. “They’re real and so beautiful!” I grinned widely and called, “I love you and all that you do for humanity and Gaia!” Once the nature beings threw me kisses and waved goodbye, the veil was firmly replaced. I looked at Orion with wide eyes, filled with hope. “Will there ever come a time when that veil is forever lifted?” Orion smiled and nodded. “With the shift, everything is changing. One of these days, the veil will shift, as well – for all humanity.” I sighed, and the three of us sat in companionable silence for a long moment. Orion finally spoke. “Let’s talk about egocentric paradigms.” I raised my eyebrows in confusion, but he put up one finger to continue. “The Universe is a vast place, Soul, with countless numbers of planets. For centuries, as we said, your inhabitants believed that they were the only intelligent life in the Universe. It’s all about me! Sound familiar?” I nodded. “Ego-speak.” “Exactly. It’s well past time to lounge comfortably in the microcosm and watch the world drift by. Humans must expand their hearts and minds in order to live bravely and thrive in the macrocosm.” He paused and winked at me. “I hate to break the news to you, but your planet is not the only one inhabited by humans.” I freely admit it. I was shocked, but again, some part of me seemed to resonate with that truth. After a long moment, I nodded. Orion nodded, as well, obviously pleased. “Humans everywhere – need to look within themselves and locate those parts that need to be uplifted.” He paused. “While we have yet to discuss the matter in detail, one of these days, Gaia and her beloved inhabitants are going on a spiritual trip – Ascension. If you’re interested in being a part of the greatest event in humanity’s history, lighten up both emotionally and spiritually. Do it now. It takes time to cleanse yourself, and if you’re coming, you’re going to have to pack Light-ly.” When he paused, Tree Spirit continued. “First, unpack all the hurts and grudges and respond with forgiveness. But just as important, is to just be happy. Laugh! Feel unbridled joy! And if you can’t, then make it your main priority, for God/Spirit/All That Is did not grant you this supreme gift to come to Earth just to mope, moan and groan your way through life. When you rise each morning, make Joy an important part of your day. You have an amazing opportunity to truly Live your life, filled with Joy. Talk with the trees – we love interacting with humans and animals. We are all sentient beings on this Great Earth Experiment walking as One toward the Age of God! Walk barefoot in the grass, spend time in nature, for nature is one of Source’s most valuable gifts to Gaia. Turn off your electronic devices, meditate, practice unconditional love, spend time near water, listen to music, dance, sing! Send Love and Light energy to Gaia all day long, every day. Learn to release baggage, instead of harboring heavy grudges.” Tree Spirit paused. “There are so many ways to Lighten up. Yes, there are a huge number of critical issues to be resolved on your planet, but there was no directive stating that you should do so filled with doom and gloom! Whether there is memory or not, you are here at this pivotal moment in time to not only actively prepare the planet and its inhabitants for ascension, but to be a Light to all. If you are alive, be alive! And as for that Divine Domino Effect? Your positive energy will ignite others, which will ignite others in that domino effect. Given all those changes, it will all gently click into place so that Gaia and humanity can ascend in a benevolent manner.” Orion and Tree Spirit stood and embraced each other, and then the spirit turned to me and embraced me, as well. I inhaled deeply, and was filled with a pleasant, woodsy feeling of unconditional Love. “Thank you for visiting me today, Soul. I have so enjoyed speaking with you. He paused and winked. “And, do chat with all of us in the devic realm – from the tiniest flower fairies to the largest deep ocean spirits. We are all on this great adventure together!” He paused. “And if I might add, please honor the trees in your world, Soul, for not only do they provide life-giving oxygen for humanity, but trees act as sentinels for Gaia. As their branches move heavenward, they reach for loving, healing cosmic energy, which they will then absorb, move through their root systems, and then spread throughout Gaia.” “Your majestic mountains also act as sentinels, and reach heavenward to absorb the healing cosmic energy. This energy is also sent out into the surrounding area, clearing it of any negativity. In fact, many mountains act like a vortex into the higher realms, and as a result, are deeply spiritual. Send gratitude to both the spirits of the mountains and that of the trees, thanking them for all they do for you, humanity, Gaia and the Universe. And don’t be afraid to hug trees, or meditate near mountains for that matter, for there is a beautiful exchange of vibrational energy when you send and receive Divine Love, which will then raise your vibrations.” “Thank you, Tree Spirit! I will honor your words in my mind and soul, and share your messages with all!” I paused. “And when I get back home, I promise to hug more trees!” And with a soft whooshing sound, Tree Spirit, Orion, and I shifted. (Excerpt from Stardust: A Conversation with Galactic Archangel Orion © Marty Boyle 2023. All Rights Reserved. The book and the podcast link can be found on my website, Podcast also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.) |
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