Lie Detectors. The Way To Prove Mystical Contact?
By Stephen William, author of: ”Nostradamus His Prophecy Finally Explained.” Available on Amazon Kindle now. One of the recurring problems mystical adepts of all kinds suffer ,especially spiritual mediums is recurring accusations that mystical contact and the mystic dimension is non-existent. Therefore to some ,we are well meaning delusional fools at best or at worst fraudulent charlatans . Obviously we can demonstrate that we are not to open-minded people. A POLYGRAPH , COMMONLY KNOWN AS A LIE DETECTOR. Yet to the persistent skeptics, virtually nothing will persuade them of the reality of a mystic dimension to existence , let alone communication with it. However spiritual mediums could prove the sincerity of their contact and messages from the mystical realm of existence by submitting to a lie detector test. This may seem to be an extreme measure, but if mystical practice is to be widely accepted as an important part of modern spirituality , I think that this could be a way of proving its importance to the wider public, beyond its traditional base of people actively interested in mysticism. At a time such as ours , where there is a trend towards dismissing all spirituality as an outdated practice which is a result of an over-active imagination or even some kind of mental illness ,it is very important to prove that is not true. If the existence of spirituality in any form is believed to be false, all the great teachings of the world’s religions will be regarded as just another set of take or leave it philosophies and the bereaved will have no comfort that there passed loved ones continue to survive and can be contacted. Why voluntarily use the polygraph as a tool to prove that spiritual mediums and other mystics believe that their messages are actually from direct contact with the spiritual realm and departed spirits? Well, although there have been experiments to see if mystical people have supernatural abilities , they very often prove to be inconclusive. The main reason being spiritual contact is not classed as a reproduceable experiment. This basically means that as spiritual contact gives out different results every time with the same mystic with even the same recipient or message seeker. As we mystics know different results do happen, sometimes because that day the medium is getting unclear communication and sometimes the recipient of the message ,who had previously accurate information from the medium ,cannot take the information for various reasons, i.e. unknown or far back ancestry is brought up , forgotten life events are brought up and the recipient cannot recall them. Or most annoyingly, if a prediction is given , it may not occur for some time and is therefore declared inaccurate. This sterile environment of research appears to need a radical departure in discovering the spiritual dimension to existence, for people who think that direct spiritual contact is some form of psychological trick or is a complete self-delusion of the mystic. This is why I am proposing the use of the polygraph on mystic volunteers to scientific research. If mystics are deliberately lying to people who are seeking messages from the spiritual dimension this would be revealed . If they are innocently using a form of internalized lying to themselves , this would be revealed also. However, we know we are not lying! We often have contact with the spiritual dimension and reveal to people who seek information , details of passed people and unusual past events we cannot reasonably guess at. Also departed mothers’ pre-marriage surnames, far back foreign ancestry, childhood nicknames which are only known to other people who are on now deceased themselves etc. We also make predictions of unlikely future events ,which do come to fruition for the recipient . This is impossible by any means, except supernatural means! Now some readers maybe thinking that but Polygraphs are not 100% accurate. However the following two reference statements should reassure them on this. Are polygraph examinations accurate?“A comprehensive review published by the American Polygraph Association indicated that polygraph is a highly accurate tool that can detect deception in approximately 80-90% of cases (Nelson et al., 2011) [footnote 1].”+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “There is considerable evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of polygraph testing with people convicted of sexual offences. The use of polygraph for people on probation convicted of sexual offences was trialled from 2009 through a pilot covering the East and West Midlands probation regions. The University of Kent evaluated this pilot between April 2010 and December 2011 (Gannon et al., 2012) [footnote 2]. The evaluation concluded that polygraph testing increased the likelihood that an individual would disclose information relevant to their management, supervision, treatment or risk assessment. This, in turn, led to an increase in actions taken by probation practitioners to protect the public from harm. Since 6 January 2014, over 7,000 tests have taken place with individuals convicted of sexual offences, with two-thirds of those tests resulting in significant disclosures. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ With regard to the American Polygraph Association statement showing 80% -90% correct results , this is a very high accuracy . Well over a 50/50 accuracy level . If 80%-90% of mystic volunteers recorded this form of truthful positive result , it would demonstrate to scientific researchers that there is an event occurring that cannot be detected by normal experimental research methods. Therefore they should refine their methods, or even perhaps even trust the information given in a spiritual reading as coming from an external source that they cannot explain by their incompatible techniques. The second statement comes from the official UK government website. Whatever you may think motivates people to commit such offences , there is no doubt they are practiced in the art of deception in attempting to cover up their actions. Probation Services however detect a high rate of accuracy of polygraphs in uncovering their untruths and therefore start reviewing their Parole terms. This kind of accuracy should be enough to convince skeptics of all forms, the scientific or conventionally religious, that mystics are having truly spiritual experiences . Even given the margin of error that polygraphs can display, it should provoke scientific curiosity to investigate accepting the statements they make as true and analyse them without predetermined expectation that some form of fraud or delusion is involved. Any predictions given should be given a flexible time frame to actually come to pass. Mostly such predictions will be personal to the recipient that is receiving them, not large public events . Therefore the recipient must be prepared to admit to them if they accurately occur after some time. This would obviously provoke the old cynical excuse of “coincidence”. Though continual “coincidences”, when the normally accepted statistically odds of chance are breached ,from different mediums must change their outlook . Of course a conventional scientific explanation will never actually be able to be made , as it will be a supernatural occurrence not a natural one. Yet it should possibly change their perception of reality and humanity’s place in it. Religious leaders perhaps also will realise that spiritual experience is not something locked in the distant past or a rarity in modern times, but a commonly occurring human experience. The Anglican Communion of Churches(the Escopalian Church is the American member of this Communion) with their Majority Report which was compiled many decades ago, concluded that spiritual communication with the deceased was an actual reality. Yet because of the controversy that may have been caused with this revelation clashing with some Old Testament teachings, it was not published until 40 years after its compilation . This of course subdued its possible impact on modern Church opinion. So how would this form of scenario affect the ordinary mystical receiver of spiritual messages” Well if you are either a medium with direct spiritual contact or a regular recipient of such messages and they are accurate and a comfort to yourself, but you receive a cynical response from friends. family or colleagues about your spiritual and mystical knowledge, ask them to put their money where their mouth is! Tell them to pay for a lie detector test for you! Then they will have to accept your sincerity. Yet as it will cost them over US $600 to do so ,it is unlikely that they will ! But at least it will stop pointless questions about whether what you do is “real” or not. I have experienced similar doubts about the reality of my spiritual practice, but obviously if I try to give a reading to a skeptical friend the difficulty is that some of their background and ancestry are known to me. Also it may be an embarrassment to them if I touch on a situation that they would not want to be known to a member of their social circle. So I suggest that they visit a medium that is unknown to me . I suggest that they can experience what I know to be a reality . Here again this offer is frequently not taken up because hardline skeptics do not want to pay money to be potentially proven wrong! Bu it stops the cynical questions! Very often your confidence in the fact they will experience successful spiritual contact and evidence, will make them review their private views. If somebody does take your up your offer to pay for a polygraph for yourself , you must be in charge of the questioning . The only question that needs to be asked is: “Do you experience contact and messages from the Spiritual Dimension to Existence ?” So they think their money is not wasted , it can be asked more than once. However , it must not be turned into an interrogation session as they will possibly seize on one negative result as “proof” that you are deluded. However if that was to be suggested , it could be covered by the response, to be asked the same question repeatedly had induced nervousness on your part . You can be confident of giving this response ,because you do know you are telling the truth. Some people of course will never be satisfied with any proof ,because the idea of there is an “alternative” reality around them frightens them. Although in many cases they would be too nervous to admit it! The movies and TV etc. have a lot to answer for on this point. Nonetheless you have made your point . You have demonstrated that you are living in the reality of spirituality and just because they refuse accept evidence after stating there is no evidence , does not mean it will cease to exist ,just because they refuse to believe it! The world is slowing waking up to the reality of a mystical dimension to existence after it has been in retreat for the past few centuries. Positive action like this should accelerate this awakening. © Stephen William International Copyright. My book which covers modern mysticism as well as Nostradamus’s , is available at only US $ 3.45 on Amazon Kindle or FREE TO READ if you are a Kindle Unlimited member. please follow this link |
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