![]() Stardust: A Conversation with Galactic Archangel Orion By Marty Boyle (Galactic Archangel Orion and Soul continue their remarkable journey, and on this stop, meet the gatekeeper of a most remarkable sacred repository.) Chapter 7, Part 1 I blinked my eyes to become acclimated to the transitional change, and relaxed when I spotted Orion standing next to me. My attention was drawn to a massive, Greek-influenced structure – complete with towering columns – standing on a nearby rise. Shimmering white marble steps graced the front of the edifice. The building seemed to glow from within, even with the brilliant sunshine. I squinted into the Light, and immediately, it lessened. For a long time, I was speechless.
“Wow,” I finally muttered. “This is truly awe-some!” I paused and looked around the area, not recognizing it. “Where are we, Orion?” “This is the Hall of Records. You see it this way because your paradigm or perception of the Hall of Records – for many humans, as well – is a stunning example of Greek architecture, so this is the result.” He paused. “As beautiful as this is, however, the Hall of Records is not a physical construct, but is of an etheric nature.” I continued to gaze around the area. “This is unbelievably beautiful, but, if you don’t mind my asking, why are we here?” Instantly, there was a shimmering, and another being stepped forward. I gasped at the sight before my eyes: an enormous angel, emanating immense power. “Greetings, Orion,” he began as they reached forward and grasped each other’s arms. “It’s good to see you. How can I be of help?” “Greetings! It is always good to see you, dear friend.” He glanced at me. “I would like you to meet Soul. Soul, this is a dear friend of mine, ...” Our visitor finished Orion’s sentence with a smile. “I am Archangel Metatron,” he said simply. I continued to gape. Metatron was truly huge – even larger than Orion, and was fairly bursting with powerful energy. His golden-brown hair fell in soft waves to his shoulders, and framed his gentle face. Like Orion, he appeared young, but, was in fact, ageless. He wore a long, crystalline tunic with swirling colors of pink, green and white; white sandals covered his feet. A deep purple aura surrounded him, and I could feel a profound expanse of wisdom within him. Interwoven on his tunic over his chest area was a glowing cube, containing geometric shapes of circles and lines. His powerful wings were a brilliant white, as well. Metatron stepped forward and embraced me within those wings. We stood for a long moment, as I inhaled the Divine Love, which was coursing through my mind, body, and soul. For that moment, the dozens of questions that flooded within me, stilled. Finally, Orion broke the silence. “Soul, Metatron will be one of your guides on this stop of our journey. Feel free to ask him any questions, just as you would do with me.” “May I know why I am meeting you now?” I asked. Metatron smiled and nodded. “Okay, we’re just going to jump right in, eh?” When I nodded, he continued. “First, you need to invite me into your life, Soul.” I reddened. “I forgot that part. Angel Protocol, Free Will and all. Archangel Metatron, I invite you into my life.” I paused. “Does that cover it?” He nodded and smiled at Orion. “I like this human already. Down to business it is!” “I am the archangel for the Akashic Records, the Higher Self, channeling, and psychic development, as well as the Angel of Sacred Geometry. I help humans achieve their soul purposes through spiritual awakening and soul ascension.” Something inside of me clicked into place. “Soul ascension?” I looked at Orion, who winked. “That’s why Orion and I are making this journey – to learn about soul ascension. Thank you for taking the time today to help me understand.” Metatron chuckled. “I’m just another part of the God Grid, but I can help you, humanity, and Mother Gaia make that ascension more smoothly. I promise that you’ll learn about that later.” I nodded and winked at Orion. “I’ve heard that phrase a time or two during our journey.” I continued. “The Angel of Sacred Geometry? Does that glowing cube on your chest have something to do with it?” “Yes,” Metatron answered, as he touched the cube. “It has many names: The Merkabah Cube, Metatron’s Cube, or The Flower of Life. Basically, these geometric designs represent the basis of all physical matter.” As he spoke, the air shimmered, and to my great surprise, the cube that had been affixed to Metatron’s tunic was now quietly sitting and spinning in his hands. It seemed to glow and move with an unearthly life all its own. As I watched spellbound, Metatron moved closer to me. “May I?” Metatron asked. “Will you Trust me?” I nodded, transfixed. Without another word, the cube slowly left Metatron’s hands and entered my body. At first, I felt a curious sensation of movement within me. This was followed by Peace flooding my entire body. My eyes shining, I locked my gaze with Metatron’s. “What’s it doing?” I whispered. “It feels amazing!” Metatron smiled. “Basically, the cube uses centrifugal force to clear away lower energies – negativity. Then, because Nature abhors a vacuum, it floods those spaces in your body, mind and soul with healing energy.” “So, what makes it sacred geometry?” The cube exited my body, and Metatron handed it to me. “Look at the design patterns. They are universal patterns, which means that they are used in the design of everything in the universe. These basic patterns are perceived as sacred, thus the phrase sacred geometry. Look carefully around your world, and you will find these patterns everywhere. Humanity often uses them when designing buildings and structures. Many artists use sacred geometry in artwork, and nature is filled with sacred patterns.” Metatron paused and clicked his fingers. Instantly, images of sacred geometry in art, architecture and nature appeared in front of us. I gasped. “See what I mean?” Metatron asked. I nodded. Rather reluctantly, I returned the cube to its guardian. I thought a long moment, and said, “You mentioned you are the archangel for the Akashic Records. Can you tell me about them?” He nodded. “Yes, but we need to discuss a few things before we get to the Akasha.” He paused. “As the cube cleansed your entire body, it also focused on your chakras. Are you familiar with chakras?” “Well, I’ve heard that word used for years, but am not sure what they really are and what they do, but I would like to know more. That is, if you have the time.” Metatron chuckled. “No linear time involved here, Soul. Let’s sit down and discuss this, shall we?” He pointed to a beautiful wooden bench, and the three of us moved toward it. When we were settled, Metatron continued. “Remember, you are a mind/body/spirit, made up of energy, as is everything else in the Universe. Think of your chakras as an organizational system for all that considerable energy inside your body.” “The human energy field within the body is broken up into hundreds of important areas, organizing the energy and moving it along to other areas in need of energy or needing to move their excess energy. Think of it like stations along a subway, taking passengers back and forth, as needed. The chakras relate to the senses, specific organs, and even spiritual abilities. There are 7 main chakras inside the body, but we’ll briefly discuss another five, forming the 12-chakra system.” “Chakra is a Sanskrit word, meaning wheel – or the Hindi translation, wheel of spinning Energy. Think of them as whirling, vortex-like powerhouses of energy – kind of like invisible, spinning rechargeable batteries.” “What charges those batteries?” “A continual stream of cosmic energy. It’s similar to your house being connected to a central power station, with electrical energy coming online as needed. Chakras are aligned in the human body from above the top of your head down your spine, although there are more minor chakras scattered throughout the rest of the body.” “Chakras also connect your spiritual body to your physical one,” continued Metatron. “They regulate the flow of energy throughout your whole system, keeping you balanced. When they are not in sync with one another, your chakras become unbalanced, making you veer off-line, you might say. And with that imbalance comes discomfort or physical, mental or emotional illness.” “Keeping them balanced must be critical. The consequences don’t sound like anything I’d want in my life. How do they veer off-line?” “Sometimes, chakras get blocked because of stress, or emotional or physical issues. As I describe each, notice if the symptoms of that blocked chakra are similar to something within you. If so, breathe healing energy into it. Once you know which chakra needs to be balanced, and work to get it back online, your entire body, mind and spirit will align with Source Energy.” “And before you ask, cleansing chakras is relatively easy: spend more time in nature than you do with electronics. Walk, garden, talk to the plants, swim, or hug a tree. Listen to soothing music instead of the negativity known as the news. Carry crystals in your pocket to remind you to continually align your chakras. Meditate, focusing on each chakra, imagining them healthy and spinning smoothly in a clockwise motion. This draws energy from the Universal Energy Field. I know that’s a lot to begin with, but are you ready to move on?” When I nodded, Metatron continued. “As I said, there are twelve major chakras in and outside of the body. The first chakra is the root chakra, located at the base of the spine, known as the coccyx. This chakra is related to the adrenal glands, the spinal column, prostate, blood, kidneys, colon and anus, as well as your legs, feet, and bones. If this chakra is not balanced, a human could experience problems in those areas, as well as paranoia, fear, procrastination and defensiveness. When the root chakra is balanced, humans can more easily feel their connection to the earth and their surroundings.” Metatron paused. “The root chakra’s element is Earth, so in order to cleanse it, move into nature. Take a walk, garden, and ask for Earth spirits to unblock and cleanse it.” “The second chakra is the orange sacral or navel chakra, located about three inches below the navel. It works with the lower abdomen, kidneys, bladder, circulatory system, reproductive system, and glands. On the emotional side, the sacral chakra deals with emotional states, sexuality, and vitality. Emotional problems or obsessive behavior can be the result of imbalance. However, when it is balanced, there is an increased sensitivity, creativity and emotional calm. The element for the sacral chakra is water. Go to a lake or ocean, or even a creek in your neighborhood park. Ask the water spirits to help cleanse that chakra.” “And the third?” “The third chakra is the yellow solar plexus chakra, located a few inches above the navel. This chakra deals with your digestive system, muscles, pancreas and adrenals. It is the base of your emotions, such as laughter, joy, anger and personal power. When this chakra is not spinning smoothly, issues can arise such as a anger, frustration, a feeling that your life has no direction, or feeling a victim mentality. When the third chakra is cleansed, it can increase personal power. This third chakra has the element of fire. Make a campfire or sit in the sun, and ask the fire elements to help with the healing of this chakra.” “The fourth chakra is the green heart chakra, and is the center of love, intuition, compassion, harmony and peace. It may be helpful to imagine this chakra to be a kind of bridge, linking the physical and spiritual worlds. The heart chakra works with your heart, lungs, arms, hands and thymus gland. When this chakra is out of alignment, there can be harm to the immune system, the heart and lungs, as well as feeling a lack of compassion. The element for the heart chakra is air. Go outside and feel the breeze on your face and ask air spirits to cleanse and balance this chakra.” “The fifth chakra is the turquoise blue throat chakra, found in the throat. This is associated with communication, creativity, self-expression and judgment, as well as the neck, shoulders, arms, hands, thyroid and parathyroid glands. It deals with the sense of inner and outer hearing, fashioning together ideas, healing, transformation and purification. When the throat chakra is out of balance, problems can occur as a cessation of creativity, dishonesty or communication issues. When it is cleansed, a human may gain clairaudience – clear hearing – and higher communication abilities. The element for the throat chakra is ether. Again, go outside and spend time watching the clouds, or gazing at the stars and ask for alignment. “The sixth chakra’s color is indigo, and is located between the eyebrows, linked to the pituitary gland. It is called the brow chakra or the …” “The third eye!” I whispered. “That’s the chakra for the third eye, I bet!” “Good for you, Soul!” Metatron replied, smiling at me. “The element for the third-eye chakra is light. It is associated with the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the pineal gland. When it is imbalanced, there can be a lack of clarity, anxiety, depression, lack of imagination, as well as the physical symptoms of hormonal imbalance. When the third eye has been cleansed, it opens the way for enhanced intuition, greater clarity and creativity, greater self-awareness, a reduction of anxiety and stress, and a deeper spiritual connection. To cleanse this chakra, spend time in the sun, asking light spirits to clear and balance this chakra.” “The seventh chakra is violet, the crown chakra, and is located at the top of your head. Other colors are also associated with this chakra, including white, silver white, gold, and violet white. It deals with the cerebral cortex, central nervous system and the pituitary gland, and is concerned with information, understanding, acceptance and bliss. This is the human place of Source connection. When not in balance, psychological problems can manifest. When it is cleansed, a greater understanding of higher intelligence and wisdom can be accessed. Spiritual powers are also found in this chakra. The element for the crown chakra is inner-light. Meditation is the key for not only this chakra, but for all of them. Again, ask nature spirits to heal and balance all your chakras.” “The eighth chakra is located slightly above the crown chakra, and transcends space and time. It is called the soul star chakra, also known as The Seat of the Soul, and is located above the crown chakra. It’s the chakra of Divine Love and spiritual compassion, and is a connector between your Higher Self, other dimensions, and the Akashic Records.” My eyes lit up, but Metatron only smiled and continued. “To cleanse this chakra, sit quietly and imagine a bright light coming down from the Universe, filling up and cleansing your soul star chakra. Or, go outside on a cloudless night and gaze up at the stars, asking for healing of your eighth chakra.” “The ninth chakra, the spirit chakra, is located outside the physical body, above the crown chakra. It allows access to your soul’s higher purpose. Think of it as the door to the energies that spiritually shape you, such as angels, spirit guides and other celestial beings.”
“The tenth chakra, the Universal chakra, is located about a foot and a half below the surface of the ground. It is very physical in nature because it works with the energies of the earth. It plays a role in any DNA-related or hereditary issues.” “The eleventh chakra, the galactic chakra, is located outside the human body, and makes up the energy field that connects humans to the etheric realm. It uses the mind as a powerful tool to shape matter, as well as allowing you the ability to travel beyond space and time, and communicate with higher dimensional beings.” “The twelfth chakra, the Divine gateway chakra, is located outside the entire chakra system, and allows you to move beyond your perceived reality into the Universe. It is described as the chakra of mastery of the soul’s purpose through the human existence. Once this chakra has been activated, a human can open portals to other worlds and realms, and connect with the cosmos.” I shook my head in amazement. “Now I understand how healthy chakras are critical to our minds, bodies and spirits. I hope I remember all of this so that I can clean and balance my chakras when I return.” I paused. “You mentioned the Akashic. Are we ready to talk about it yet?” “Pretty soon, Soul. Patience is a virtue, you know.” Orion chuckled. “I hear that Patience is Soul’s middle name!” Metatron winked at me, and I reddened. Again. “Sorry about that. How about if I ask this question instead: How do you keep all of the chakras spinning freely and aligned with each other?” Metatron grinned. “Much better! Some chakras can be partially or fully closed for some people, especially the indigo and violet chakras – the third-eye and crown chakras. Unblocking or opening chakras is relatively simple, but it’s not a one-shot deal, and must be ongoing. Because each individual is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all procedure. In general, it’s wise to first read about and understand the particular chakra that s/he is wishing to work on. Then, after going within and meditating upon it, try to determine how that chakra may have become unbalanced or locked. Once that realization is made, the chakra will begin to heal, spin freely, and energy will begin to flow as it should. A side benefit is that once a chakra is free, it helps the others become unblocked, as well. The best way to do this is to commit to daily meditation and contemplation.” He paused and asked, “Do you meditate?” “I sit in silence every day, pray and then try to clear my mind to meditate, but truth be told, I am definitely still a work in progress.” “You’ll get there, Soul. The basic principle is easy – concentrate on the breath, clear your mind and connect with Spirit. It just takes persistence and patience.” (Excerpt from Stardust: A Conversation with Galactic Archangel Orion © Marty Boyle 2023. All Rights Reserved. The book and the podcast link can be found on my website, https://www.martyboyle.com Podcast also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.) |
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