![]() Telepathy and Spiritual Mediumship. Are they the same? By Stephen William, UK based author of: ”Nostradamus His Prophecy Finally Explained.” Available on Amazon Kindle now. One of the questions that cynics of direct spiritual contact have asked me “Are you sure that it is not telepathy that the allow mediums to give people details of passed loved ones and friends instead of actual spiritual contact?” It is an interesting question, yet sometimes the questioner has not really thought out that their motives for asking it may be questioned as well!
Telepathy or mind reading as alternatively known , describes the supposed practice or ability of someone to read some else’s mind ![]() TELEPATHY AS MANY PEOPLE UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS. Generally speaking, the type of person asking this question wants to disprove the reality of spiritual mediumship. However, they cannot dispute that mediums can often bring up evidence of passed close family and friends for other people, including first and surnames and details of family incidents ,sometimes from the distant past . Such an ability cannot be fully explained by deceptive conjuring tricks (stage illusionists often use “stooges” to perform their” mind reading” ( although they often deny it) or in modern times, internet research. Even finding LIVING people on the internet with unusual surnames is very hard sometimes, let alone details of their deceased relatives. Finding background details of people with common surnames such as Smith, Jones, Cohen etc is nigh on impossible!
Therefore to “devout” mystical cynics whether of a conventional religious status or an atheist viewpoint, something else must be in play. Telepathy is therefore the convenient non-spiritual answer! Just a natural connection between two human beings with no messy “spirits” or mystical “hocus-pocus” involved! However, there is a big problem with this viewpoint , telepathy although often discussed and theorized about ,has never been scientifically proven to exist. So they are trying to disprove one supernatural ability with another one ! Which rather defeats the point of presenting it as “logical” or non-mystical explanation. When it was first put to me as an alternative to direct spiritual contact, it caught me off guard somewhat as I had never thought of it as a possibility . I did reply ,I did know telepathy was not scientifically proven and was regarded as “pseudo-science” by many scientists. The cynic who posed the question did not know this and was flummoxed by reply! I then suggested he visited a medium for a one- to- one reading to see if his mind was being “read.” Sensing he was losing the argument and being gently (?) ridiculed he declined to comment further. However it did set me thinking, when I and other mediums give details of passed loved ones to other people ,are we “reading” their minds, instead of the spirits themselves contacting us? Well the good news for mystically inclined people , is it is different from ” reading “ people’s minds. Spiritual contact comes to mediums in many ways. Some see the spirit; some hear the spirit and some feel the spirit and get messages from this feeling. Many mediums get a combination of all three. Yet very often the person you are giving the information initially cannot recognise the person or incident being described , but suddenly a detail jolts their memory of the person or an incident from the past. As soon as they acknowledge the deceased person , the information always seems to flow to them. . However this initial hesitation appears to confirm no mind reading is taking place, otherwise the recipient would instantly recognise the information given. Yet the clincher are future events which are sometimes are foretold accurately . This could not be made if it is only “telepathy” was at play. Otherwise everybody could “see” the future accurately just by thinking about it! Nevertheless telepathy could be seen to exist in a non-spiritual context. My wife who is not a medium often picks up exactly what I am thinking. Cynics will say long term couples (we have known one another for over 40 years ) often develop a mental harmony based of many shared memories and interests and it is purely coincidence when one of the partners mentions what the other is thinking about . However it often happens on a subject we have never discussed or experienced and sometimes I have done the same with her. This is often experienced by couples where neither are mediums, psychics etc. Twins even when they grow to adulthood sometimes claim to have a telepathic link between themselves. Coincidence, the fallback position of cynics does not seem to cover this phenomena . So what can we draw from this? Spiritual mediumship and telepathy do appear to have one big thing in common, they are both unlikely to be proven by normal scientific experimentation. Science to accept the existence of any phenomena requires usually it to be proven by a formal reproducible experiment i.e. an experiment which can be reproduced by others with identical results. That obviously excludes direct spiritual contact because as we mystics all know ,every experience to every participant is unique and not everybody is a medium. The same thing would appear to apply to telepathy . Each experience of telepathy appears to be a unique experience to the people involved, also not everybody is telepathic or claims to be! Yet both abilities to those who have experienced them, provide information that cannot be obtained by any other means. Therefore who do you believe? Your senses and judgement or scientific people unknown to you ,who have obviously not experienced what you have? Science although it has provided us virtually all the wonders of the modern world including the computer I am writing this article on, is not infallible in its findings . Sometimes overwhelming evidence from an unusual turn of events changes scientific opinion. For example meteorites were once scientifically and confidently believed to be fallout from volcanos until a shower of them hit a small town in Northern France many hundreds of miles from the nearest volcano. Therefore we should not be slaves to its “priests” i.e. scientists and be enslaved by their well- researched, but sometimes mistaken dogmas. Trusting in your own experience and senses is the ultimate freedom. Science can explain many things ,but not everything. Everybody knows that such emotions as hope and imagination exist, but as far as I am aware you cannot write an accurate equation to explain them. So if you KNOW you were visited by a passed partner or relative by evidence and information only the passed person could know via a medium or directly yourself or you are a twin who often knows what your sibling is doing even if they are many miles away , trust in the freedom of your own senses and judgement. Do not shut off these experiences , just because someone ELSE says they do not believe in them. © Stephen William International Copyright. My book which covers modern mysticism as well as Nostradamus’s , is available at only US $ 3.45 on Amazon Kindle or FREE TO READ if you are a Kindle Unlimited member. please follow this link https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B098LS5PM7/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_MBDF06G549ZKJ6XFKMCJ |
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