![]() Barbara Berger Not until we open our hearts,
can we heal ourselves and the planet Without love, without an open heart, without compassion, life loses all meaning, becomes barren and bleak... a desert... impossible to contemplate. Therefore seek only this, my friend. Yes, seek only this. Seek it relentlessly. Now and forever. And yes. Keep it uppermost in your mind. Until the thought consumes you and becomes a fierce dedication. Until you know in your heart of hearts that there is no other pathway for you... Until you know, without a doubt. Until that wondrous day dawns when your heart begins to open and you feel the breeze of kindness, of compassion... that gentlest of breezes... that suddenly seems to blow in from afar, as if from some distant starry realm, some far heaven you already know and recognize as home ... to transform you... utterly and completely... now and forever. Therefore seek only this, my friend. Yes. Seek only this. Seek the impossible, my friend, and make it real. Seek the improbable, my friend, and make it real. Yes, seek only this. Seek Love where Love is not. Seek Love in the Lowest and in the most High. Seek Love in the Humblest and in the most Holy. Seek Love where Love is not. Yes my friend, seek Love, no matter where. No matter what. No matter when. And then yes, seek it again. And continue seeking. Because, yes, sooner or later, yes sooner or later, the mystery will unfold and take you in its gentle arms, in those gentle everlasting arms, and you, like a swooning bride on her wedding night will wonder... why didn't I know this before, what was I waiting for, why didn't I abandon myself from the very beginning, why didn't I surrender, why was I holding back, how could I have been so blind, why didn't I see, why wasn't it me... or if it was me, how could I have failed to recognize, feel, know, understand it... and yes my friend, yes... that is when the opening will appear, the crevice, that holiest of holy cracks, that blessed crevice, however slight, in the hardness, in the armor around your heart. And then, hear it yes you may, that sigh, almost audible in its loveliness, like the sigh of the swooning bride you in truth are, as you tumble ever so gently, soon overcome with longing, with ecstasy, now all-consuming, gently, swiftly into the arms of your lover... yes, yes, oh yes, and finally yes, take me, take me. Now the whisper is transformed into a violet flame that embraces and consumes you, engulfing your soul, more lovely than the loveliest lover, more compassionate than compassion itself, because there are no words, no words to describe that feeling, the tender feeling of the heart as it opens. That feeling, that opening we all long for so deeply and know, in our heart of hearts, that yes, indeed, this is what we came here for. This is our birthright. This is what we were born to learn and share. There is nothing else, nothing else worth living for, nothing else worth waiting for, nothing else worth trying for or dying for, nothing else, no matter what. Whatever it is, wherever you are, wherever you're going... this is it. This is the heart of hearts. This is the reason of reasons. Therefore my friend, seek only this. Yes my friend, seek only this. Keep it uppermost in your mind. Day and night. Pursue it with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. Let this fierce dedication be your watchword. Because the gateway is just ahead. The Gateway to Grace. Yes my friend, now and forever. So rush onward and forward, keeping the gateway ever in sight. Because only this will bring you joy, only this will bring you bliss, only this will bring you satisfaction. Only this will bring you what you seek... the healing, the planetary transformation, the new Paradise on Earth. Only this, in however many tongues, down however many avenues, through however many lifetimes. Only this my friend, only this. Therefore, my friend, my friend of friends, seek only this. _____
About Barbara Berger American-born Barbara Berger is the best-selling author of “The Road to Power – Fast Food for the Soul” (published in 30 languages), “Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life” (published in 21 languages) and “The Awakening Human Being – A Guide to the Power of Mind”. Barbara's latest book is "Find and Follow Your Inner Compass – Instant Guidance in an Age of Information Overload". Barbara also works as coach and therapist, helping people around the globe come into alignment with their own true power. For more about Barbara see her Web site: http://www.beamteam.com ** Below are titles & links to the beautiful work from Barbara. She is a long time contributor and my dear friend :) ** The Ultimate Self-Empowerment Tool – Your Inner Compass
http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2087 The Key to Happiness; Understanding the Way the Mind Works http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2113 Who would you be if you didn’t know your age? http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2147 The Power of Right Seeing http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2177 Review of Barbara Berger’s book Find and Follow Your Inner Compass by Riki Frahmann http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2184 Are You Here Now? Are You Happy Now? https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2247 Discovering Who You Really Are https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2284 Getting in Touch with Your Heart https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2299 Follow Your Passion & Accept the Consequences https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2324 The Power of the Joyful Giver https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2359 You have nothing to deal with but your own thoughts https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2374 Radio show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/starzcast/2018/09/26/natalie-interviews-barbara-berger--author-on-self-empowerment Peace Is Your Nature https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2398 The Power of Contemplating Love https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2423 How Can We Serve? https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2452 The Importance of Mind Management https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2472 Focus on the Real – A Way of Dealing with Worry and Catastrophic Thinking https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2499 Nothing External Can Disturb Us https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2527 Just Let Everything Be! https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2548 The Gift of Crisis https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2563 The Power of Asking for Help https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2592&fbclid=IwAR1ZK91thdusdkQTdqu0fHXgarR7Ghv7rmAjR6NypUUfLh2wv1ozLLi-HjU What does it mean to be psychologically mature? https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2625 The Meaning of Life https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2644 The Power of Praise & Blessing https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2682 Our Unalienable Rights https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2712 Meeting the Family & Keeping Your Peace of Mind https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2737 Healthy Boundaries – the Secret of Good Relationships https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2758 Healthy Parenting https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2777 Wanting What You Have https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2801 NOW IS THE TIME TO THINK POSITIVE https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2813 A Scientific Prayer to Lift Your Consciousness https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2828 Healthy Self Talk about the Body https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2850 Time Are Changing Aren’t They? https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2881 Are You Following Your Inner Compass? https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2904 What Happens When We Don't Listen to Our Inner Compass? https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2920 Your Right to Be You https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2961 Doing the Right Thing https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=2992 Seeing Behind Impermanence https://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=3026 |
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